Part 1

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"Hey Robin, ye think we'll make it out alive again today?" asked Botwin.

"Mayhaps." Robin responded half-heartedly.

It has been couple of springs since they left their village after it was raided by a pack of wolves. They are the only known survivor of the village after the massacre. Robin the Carpenter and Botwin the Fool, they are heading to the neighbouring kingdom to warn of the threat after losing hope of their own fallen kingdom by the fangs.

"Hey Robin, ye think we'll be welcomed there? I heard the people there pray to the Giants. What if we become the sacrifice for the Giants? No, me don't wa-"

"Keep walking." as Robin cuts through Botwins demotivation. Curious Botwin rhymic sigh. He wasn't called the fool for nothing.

Sunlight is not far from their sight, it indicates that they reached the end of the forest where sunlight cannot pass through. They finally arrived at their objective, The Merry Sky Kingdom, where it is at the steep mountain cliff beside a massive beautiful twin waterfall with a portrait of a Giant crafted as the background of the kingdom. It is as if the Giant is watching over the kingdom. Unbelievable! What an incredible builder they are!

"My Heaven, we are still living yes?! Oh Robin look maybe I should try tha-"

"Hey don't leave me behind please!" as Robin just walked away from Botwins speech.

Botwin keeps on spouting his fantasy and dreams while they are making their way to the gate of the magnificent kingdom. Suddenly, they heard a very fast footsteps coming their way, a group of people footsteps. Robin pushed Botwin down and put both of them into immediate hiding. A group of children running happily with colourful laughter and heading toward, the edge of the cliff?! Robin turned anxious, analysed the situation by mumbling to sealed-mouth Botwin and made up his mind, he jumped out of the bush and rushed to stop the children.

The children spooked out and screamed after realized Robin's presence and ran straight to the cliff. Robin shouted "NO, STOP! THAT'S DANGE...rous", Stunned after witnessed children that flew away with a pair of crystal white butterfly-like wings.

Botwin reached his journey partner, "Ah, as expected of the northern, that icy wings hehe. Ye have never met an elf before ya Robin?" Robin raised one of his eyebrow, thousands of questions in his mind that the expression is beyond control even for the serious Robin.

"It is their living place Robin. Big trees, beautiful flowers, colourful fungi, Elves are living like us. Those are the mountain elves, northern mostly have that icy wings. They are not savages like the villagers told us" even with the sketchy speech, Botwin's word really showed that he really know what he is talking about.

Botwin tried to calm the confused Robin.He said that the elves never will pray to the Giants and in addition, he saidthat the Elves doesn't know masonry. Robin still confused but he managed tocontrol himself. They decided to camp further from that cliff to stay out ofthe elven children playground.

Big Trees, Beautiful Flowers and Colourful Fungi (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now