Part 2

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It's a cold night. The carpenter lighted the fire and cooked the forest harvest. Both lads are already used to the forest product. They almost forgotten how meat tasted like. The Fool sharpens an axe owned by The Carpenter. Sea of stars are covered by the thick tree leaves. They planned to reach the kingdom gate at noon.

"What do you mean by the elves are not bunch of savages? They practice magic and kill us did they not?" asked Robin to Botwin who is happily holding sticks and tap on the tree roots musically.

"In war aye, their civilization is no different from us Robin. Fairies taught them magic and Fairies' Wisdoms are what they are praying to. They take care of fairies very well and is why ye cannot see them. The whole elven clan ruled under a queen ya know? They are unite despite having different wing and skin colours. Unlike us, power, wealth, royalty and many man stuff is what dividing us into many many!"

"Fairy exist then? Kingdom scholars said it is just a myth."

Botwin then laugh followed by a snore. He throw the sticks away and face Robin.

"They have sworn their whole existence for fairies' safety Robin. Ehehe! The reason they are so powerful like our bedtime stories is because of the fairy. Fairies are not dumb ya? They know magic more than any living arch wizards."

"What of the Elven Queen then? Sure is one hell of a woman to have ruled over whole elven clan."

"She's special, unlike our everyday elves. She can talk to the fairy like a spirit-borned man."

A long silence with the sound of fire sparks by the burning firewood. Cold breeze is hitting Robin's body, he smells a threat is coming their way. He is on his combat stance with his axe.

"God save us." mumble the carpenter with low voice.

Three walking flowers then show themselves behind a tree near their camp fire. Robin showed an expression of deep relieve through his body language and facial expression. What an innocent flower. Cute. The flower group is as tall as the man's legs. Approaching to their fire, probably to warm themselves.

"Ah! Couldn't be a better night yes Botwin?! Look! Flowers are dancing to my fire and we just cooked and ate their friends. Ha? Good thing it is not the goblins or else we are dead meat tonight!"

"Uhmm, Robin... Me regret to say that it might have been better to combat a goblin then this flower ye know? Look." As Botwin shows to the flower direction.

"Ey?" Robin shifted his view toward the dancing flowers and....

The flowers areshaking like a man battling winter coldness. The colours are changing and itshows an ugly sign for their next fate. A gas burst out of the flowers pistils,filling their parameter with an unpleasant smell and the heat of the firecatalyst the gas into poisoning power. They fall and their consciousness arefading. Robin saw feet of three men covered in forest-cultured shoe, The Elves,before he fully lost his consciousness.

Big Trees, Beautiful Flowers and Colourful Fungi (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now