Part 3 : Finale

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Birds are chirping and sunlight are slowly bathing Robin's and Botwin's separate jail side by side. Couple of butterflies flying free, enter and leave the cells. What a pleasant morning if not for the bars they are locked behind. The men stretch their bodies while yawning, grateful that they are still alive. Robin realized that he lost his journey tools and pray for his next luck while Botwin is humming a childish melody.

"Lovely morning" mumble Robin in a sarcastic manner as he watch Botwins sitting and humming happily.

Robin perceived few small blocks of wood outside of his cell, reachable by his arms, and a short knife. He conclude that the jail was probably built overnight.

Botwin then waved outside of the cell like a happy child. Robin noticed his action and try to find the direction of his happy wave. Far away, he can see a group of elves. Adults, children and elders with majority are bluish-purple and crimson-blonde haired. Wings! That icy wings and blood-coloured wings. A group of children run to their cells, and they are the cliff children! A women tried to stop them and spoke in unfamiliar language while the children tried to drag the woman to come along.

Probably Elvish, it is his first time listening to different race language. As Robin tries to pay attention to the elvish gibberish to his ears, he realized that Botwin's cage is already surrounded with many elves. "Hope we are not going to be elf circus or sacrifice." mumble Robin with slight jealousy of Botwins popularity amongst the elves.

Robin reached the blocks he saw previously and crafted a local toy that he usually craft during his carpentry time while facing the back of his cell, leaving his back open to the elves who came to see him while Botwin showed his signature moves in his cage while witnessed with great applause by the elf crowd. Due to the adult crowd size, most children were left out of the fun, sit around and watch the boring Robin.

"For yesterday's surprise", Robin gave away few toys he made to the children. Enough for all of them. The children brought to joy with big smiles, the same laughter he heard yesterday. Happy faces and loud children laughter caught attention some of the Botwin's crowd. It is a pleasing view to see the children running in circle happily. A child from the group gave his palm with a big smile, and spoke elvish, as if he ask for more toys. Robin just raised his shoulders with 'I have no more' posture.

The pleasant moment then broken by the presence of military dressed elf. The crowd divided and made a path to the cages for the army. The carpenter and the fool was released, handcuffed by a wooden block driven by spells and escorted to elsewhere, the crowd is waving to the men. The environment is so lively that it doesn't feel like they are going to be harmed.

They climbed a stairway that is circling around the biggest tree in their sight. "I think we are going to meet the master of this place! " Said Botwin. It is a long stair, to the top of the tree where it is the brightest. A melody can be heard, produced by a string instrument. Truly it sounds angelic, a harp. There lies a green eye majestic elf, long blonde hair that reaches the floor, dressed in beautiful white and crowned made by leaves, playing the melody. Barefooted, sitting on a throne made of wood of an amazing craftsmanship. The Elf Queen.

She gestured her guards to leave the place leaving the prisoners in queen's presence.

"Greetings Your Highness, we are men that come from south plain." Botwin opened the conversation with great respect. He proceeded to tell their journey goal and reason they are here.

The queen nods, "Forests are my ears and eyes. You are speaking the truth."

"I welcome you here young men, I wish to verify your mean to harm my children or was it just a misunderstanding."

"Sincerity, you are good people." The queen continued. Both of them then just nods.

She then raised her beautiful hand and join the thumb and the forefinger tip and peep over the hole with her left eye, "Shame, I saw your future human. No matter how advanced you are, you are still but a child. Quarrel over origin and superiority. Killing yourselves for difference in understanding and colours. Even I am impressed that you are capable of building a flying killing machine made by iron in millions of years from now."

"Dear carpenter, do you ever wish for power?" Asked the majestic queen.

"My passion is but only for carpentry."

"Living a short life is what I envy you human." As she wrote a number using her finger leaving a trail made of smoke in the air. Thirteen thousand written in familiar writings.

A Pegasus descended from the open ceiling of the hall after a string was plucked by the queen.

"Ell will send you at light speed to the man kingdom. Consider it as a gift for your concern of my children." As a Pegasus named Ell lands to greet the men.

"What a great honour Your Great Elven Queen. I thank you for your hospitality." Reply Botwin as both men on their knees.

Their journey equipment were returned back by the guards to the lads and they immediately mount the Pegasus. Fly! Together they breach the sky and witness the endless horizon. What a stunning view. Magnificent! Flying under the gigantic waterfalls and travel through the cliffs that no man has ever stood on.

And while they are excited on the fly...

Ell forcefully dropped the lads in the middle of thick forest to the ground! Leaving the carpenter and the fool with light scratches but, what caught their attention is the Ballista before them. A big elven crafted Ballista at the size of an oak tree! Both lads can't get more amazed than they already are. They lost words to describe what they were gone through!


"You've returned Ell." Welcome the Elf Queen while peeping between her joined fingers upon her Pegasus returns. She is watching the men she sent earlier, inspecting the Ballista in joy.

"Will you dismantle your gift and enhance your carpentry, or will you sell it for gold and live a wealthy life, or will sell us out, compromise and raid this place while climbing the nobility ranks?"

The elf queen ran over her right hand fingers on her harp strings.

"Light, dim and dark."

"Dear passionate men, will you showme what colour are your hearts?"

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