New Neighbors

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"Loren! Wake up! Your going to be late for school and I'm going to leave you if your not dressed in 10 minutes!!" I yelled up the stairs to get Loren out of bed, but she didn't answer for a while. "Calm yourself Y/N... I'm dressed can we go before I change my mind and go hide in the place you can never find me in?" Loren seemed upset, but she already missed a lot of school. "I understand school is tough, but missing school is not going to help the matter. Now let's go so we can get some breakfast on the way to school." It seemed to calm her down a little more so we walked out the door and headed to my car. "Um... Y/N... neighbors have arrived..." Loren was looking out my window and I turned my head to see 5 guys standing in their driveway. "They look really familiar. Pull up the YouTubers you showed me the other day." She pulled out her phone and pulled up one YouTuber named Sk3tchYT. I waited to pause it when the facecam was bigger. "Loren, how obsessed are you with these guys?" I asked what felt like 1,000 questions, but I needed answers. "I watch them all the time. Like I watch yours." She said still staring out the window. "Well, I doubt it's them so let's just go to school." I handed Loren her phone and started to pull away. We drove past them and I locked eyes with one of them, but soon snapped out of it when I realized I was driving. Loren and I went to a coffee shop to get some breakfast and head on our way to school. When we got to school I gave Loren a hug and we went our opposite ways. Hopefully today will be better then the last.

Sketch's POV
Today was the day that The Pals moved into the "YouTube House". We didn't see any of the neighbors because it was like 6:00am. I was moving my setup into the house when I saw 2 girls walk out of the house next to us. "Hey, Corl look. There's some of our neighbors." Corl walked over and we saw the girls. They looked over at us and the one in the drivers seat kept looking at a phone then at us, then the phone, then at us. It went into for like 2 minutes then Corl walked away. I started to turn around when the next thing I knew they were pulling out. Somehow I locked eyes with the driver and she seemed familiar. I picked up my box and walked inside the house. "Hey guys, how crazy would I sound if I said that Y/C was our new neighbor?" I put my box down and sat on the couch. "Um, sketch... I would have to say your going crazy. Were not that lucky to be living next to the Y/C and her sister." Corl said walking into the living room. "Yeah Sketch haha we would never get that lucky." Alex said also walking in the room. " it looked so much like her though, idk. I'm going to go set my stuff up." I walked out of the living room and into my room to set everything up.
*time skip 6 hours*
I finally set up everything the way I wanted and so did everyone else. It was only like 1:30 so we ordered pizza. *ding dong* we heard a the door bell witch meant the pizza was here. "I'll get it." I said. I walked to the door and turns out it was the pizza man. "That will be $24 sir." The pizza man took my money and he gave me the pizza. As he was leaving the girl that looked like Y/C pulled into her driveway
*overheard conversation*
*Y- you L-Loren*
L- so what video are you recording today Y/N?
Y- I don't know. I have some homework to finish then I'll record. Maybe a Q&A. Wanna be in it?
L- sure! Let me do my homework
Y- ok I'll put it on twitter for my fans to ask questions.
*end of there conversation*
"Sketch!! Hurry up with the pizza!" Alex yelled. "Ok chill I'm coming!" I walked in to the living room and put the pizza down. "Eat up cause I have news." They all grabbed a piece of pizza and ate like animals. "Guys don't call me crazy bu..." "sketch, your crazy!" Denis interrupted me. "Haha very funny dingo, but I'm not. I know that's Y/C living next door cause she was talking to her sister about recording a Q&A today."

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