the monster

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Let me tell you a story
there was a boy
I boy who was pure and innocent,
But one day, someone hurt him, making him bleed,
The smell of his own blood made him a monster, everybody feared him,and hurt him more,calling him names like knifes and making him cry tears only making the monster angrier,
So many scars and so many wounds,nobody would accept him,nobody would see the innocent boy anymore,
Now he grew up,he buried the monster and trying to be that little boy again,but he can't,his wounds won't heal and his heart would still be broken,
No matter how far he runs the monster in His way,in His blood,following His wounds,
Causing pain,not to those who made him a monster,who maybe by now forgot what they did and say,now the boy stands,hoping that one day his pain will go I'm standing here, crying at night so they won't find out what they made out of me!


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