Chapter Ten : Dimly Lit...

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| Student |

   “Highlight.” Aki said then her laugh boomed inside the café.

   A few customers and crew turned their attention to us, I glared hurriedly at Aki. “Shh!”

   Aki didn’t hear me though and continued laughing very loud.

    “She should just dye her hair all white then I’ll call her snow white.”  

   She was talking about a student at the library earlier. She scolded Aki for being noisy. The girl was right, Aki was being herself and completely forgot where we were. Of course Aki didn’t back down and spitted a few harsh words towards the girl. She spotted a few white strand of the girl’s hair and teased her about it.

   I shook my head. “You’re so mean.”

   Aki cleared her throat and frowned at me. “She started it!”

   “She was just saying the truth. You were so loud.”

   Letting go of her fork, she locked both of her arms in front of her chest and huffed at me. “Weren’t you there when she called my mouth “Wide”?”

   I pursed my lips. Yes the girl did say that. Remembering why we were at the café, I looked back down my wrist watch. It was thirty five minutes after eight. We were here for almost two hours now, I couldn’t help but to let out a long sigh.

   “I think he forgot.”

   “He’s always forgetful when it comes to things like this.” Aki did her signature eye rolling.

   This must be the third… no, the fifth time that Kazuki stood me up. But it was fine. He was very busy with his band, I shouldn’t have asked for this in the first place. When we went out to watch a movie last Tuesday, I asked if we could have dinner tonight. With his hectic schedule –taking care of the band and going to different music company, I should be happy that he still made time for me.

   “I mean, what’ll you do when I’m not here? You’ll get old waiting for that guy!” Her tone rose up to a higher octave.

   Chuckling, I told her. “That’s why I asked for you to come here. So I won’t get old.”  

   She looked irritated then. “I can’t always do this you know. I have my own guy waiting for me too.”

   Seeing an opening, I tried to sidetrack her. “There’s a new guy?”

   Aki’s eyes sparkled in interest. She smiled brightly and clasped her hands together. “He’s sooo cute! He’s quarter Korean, quarter English and Half Japanese.”

   “That’s a lot of mix.”

   She nodded. “If we have a child then our baby will have .2 English percent and .2 Korean percent of blood… Or something like that.”

   “You’re already thinking of having a baby?”

   “Huh?” I snapped her out from her dreamland. “NO. but… yeah. I don’t want to have a baby now but soon of course.”

   I smiled down. That thought haven’t pass my mind yet. I took my phone out from my bag and message Kazuki that I’d be going home.

   Aki walked me to the bus stop and I thanked her for staying with me. She called me stupid and said something like killing Kazuki before walking away.

   When I reached the building after having some thinking done at the bus, I felt lonely. I missed Kazuki. But there was nothing I could do but wait.

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