Chapter Twenty-Four : Keep the Distance.

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 | Brunette |  


   I needed that amount of money by tomorrow. But where was I supposed to get it? My savings account had zero balance and I only had almost two hundred bills in my wallet. Should I sell some of my appliances? Get a one day job? Rob a bank?

   My head hurt as I thought about this. If only I had a magic lamp with a genie captured in it, I’d rub it and ask for all of my problems to shoo away.

   I groaned again and computed my bills for the third time wishing it would miraculously drop a few zeroes. But when I clicked the equal button it had still three mean zeroes. They stared back, teasing me.

   The radio played Reita’s band’s song. It automatically put a smile on my face. Their live flashed back in my head. It was awesome and knowing those guys on the stage personally, it made me very proud of them. Made me very proud of Reita.

   When the concert started and my eyes found the guy wearing his signature noseband, my eyes just stared at him. He played very well, amazing even. Although sometimes he was losing focus and kept on searching the crowd, looking for me. I knew he was searching for me because when he did, he stopped doing that and continued to play more energetic and lively. From time to time he’d look at me or wink or flash that smile of his.

   They made my cheeks reddened and I was thankful that it was somehow dark in that place and there were a lot of people for him to recognize. I felt a little shy every time he gave me attention when he was on the stage. All the time when he was playing on the stage, I couldn’t take my eyes off of him so were the butterflies on my stomach.

   I like the way Reita bended his knees while his bass rested on his lap as he played. Or when he was head banging left to right.  Or when he jumped up and down.  Or when he was screaming or saying inaudible things towards their audience. Or when he would just simply lock his eyes to mine.

   “What’s that?” Reita voice pulled me out of my reverie; I almost jumped from my seat.

   I blinked and I felt like I was caught doing something embarrassing. The radio was playing another song now and I cleared my throat before I looked up at him.

   Reita was eyeing the bills scattered around my coffee table with a glass of cold liquid on his hand. “Nothing.”

   He sat at the other couch on my left, switching gaze from the papers to me. “You were in deep thoughts.”

   I nodded once and gathered the bills into one pile. “I was.” One envelop slipped from the table and fell down the ground right on his left foot. I was about to reach it when he took it with his two fingers and read the bill.

   “Where are you going to pay?” He looked at me expectantly and I couldn’t answer him because really, I was not gonna pay anything. I couldn’t pay anything.

   Reita scowled at me when I continued to answer him with silence. He reached for the paper where I scribbled the whole amount that I needed. He looked at my equation for a few seconds before his eyes found mine. Reita didn’t say anything but laid both the envelope and paper on top of the pile and walked to the kitchen with his glass.

   I was glad he didn’t ask anything about it. He knew better than join me here as I bury myself in my own problems.

   Thinking of other solutions, I sat down the couch as a stared at my ceiling like all of the answer to my troubles would just show up right there if I’d just stare at it longer.

   There was a door that opened and closed and it happened again after a few minutes. Reita came into my peripheral view then he handed me some money.

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