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who would've thought that one day they'd be strangers again? for as long as they could remember, they've always been best friends. now, they may never understand again.


Mark woke up in the living room against Jackson on the couch.

confused, he looked around seeing Jinyoung on the love seat across the room fast asleep.

he soon remembered their movie night they had 10 hours ago and smiled at the thought of Jackson holding him the whole time.

Jackson always cried at the end of Titanic and Mark always had to rub his back and remind him that even though it happened before, it was just a movie.

he wiggled out of Jackson's grip and went to the kitchen.

he contemplated what he should make the other two for breakfast.

Jinyoung really likes pancakes and Jackson loves bacon.

he mixed the pancake mix in a bowl and put a pan on the stove.

as he poured small pancakes into the pan, he stood there. he waited impatiently for them to bubble at the top so he could flip them.

as he stood there, he felt a presence behind him. soon after, a pair of arms wrapped around his waist and a head rested on his shoulder.

"Good morning Mark." Jackson said huskily, secretly making Mark flutter inside.

he smiled, turning around and kissing Jackson on the lips briefly before flipping the pancakes.

Jackson went to the fridge, grabbing out bacon and put it on the counter next to Mark.

"can you make bacon pleeeeassseee?" Jackson begged.

Mark laughed. "i was already planning on it." he smiled and poked Jackson's perfect nose and popped the bacon in the microwave.

Jinyoung was still sound asleep on the couch with tear stains down his cheeks. he wasn't crying about the movie though.

"Jackson, watch the pancakes. i'm gonna wake up Jinyoung." Mark said, walking into the living room.

he kneeled down by Jinyoung, shaking his arm ever so slightly.

"hey.. Jinyoung. wake up."

his eyes slowly fluttered open, seeing a smiling Mark looking down at him.

he sighed, rolling over to sleep more.

"c'mon Jinyounggg. i made pancakes."

Jinyoung instantly shot up, running to the kitchen.

Mark laughed to himself, following the boy to the kitchen as well.

after breakfast, Jackson and Jinyoung had to go to work so Mark sent them off.

Mark wondered around the house, doing various things like picking up all of the messes Jackson made and dusting literally everything.

meanwhile, Jackson was still at work trying to figure out how he'd tell mark he'd be leaving for so long.

he hated being away from Mark. he can't sleep well without him. he gets extreme sleep paralysis when he sleeps without him.

he sighed, going into the woman's office one last time to beg her to let him stay.

to no avail, she rejected and continued planning the trip.

it's not like he could just take Mark with him. he's an idol so he has a strict schedule.

he wanted so badly to just take him with. but instead, he'd have to leave him for two whole years.

he knows he needs to tell him. it's almost the end of the month and he leaves immediately after.

he knew today had to be the day he broke it to him.


Jackson and Jinyoung returned home and Jackson contemplated how to break it to his boyfriend.

"hey Mark?" he called out as he walked inside.

he went into the bedroom to see Mark napping on the bed.

he laid down next to him and slowly wrapped his arm around his frail boyfriend, Mark.

Mark subconsciously turned to Jackson and wrapped himself around him.

"i'm really gonna miss you these next two years..."

"what?" Mark asked, suddenly more awake than before.

"i have to go to China for a business trip.... and it's for two years...." Jackson admitted, sitting up.

Mark stayed silent for a while, slowly tearing up. he felt his throat being clogged by the temptation to cry.

"i-i'll go with you."

"Mark, you can't. it's two whole years and you're an idol. how do you expect to do that?"

"i'll quit."

"Mark. be rational."

"i am being rational."

"no. you have to stay. i'll come back periodically just to visit you. i promise. i'll come back once a month."

"you can't leave me like that Jackson. how will you sleep at night? you're always restless without me by you."

"i'll manage. just know that i love you and only you. forever."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2017 ⏰

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