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Original Edition: Chapter Five

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Blake Hamilton looked like a beautiful statue—dark hair disheveled, blue eyes bright and wide. His gaze landed on Lena first. She was gaping at him. Next, he looked at Alissa, who was fidgeting furiously with the lace hem of her floral printed shirt. And then his gaze fell on me. His left eye twitched just slightly before he quickly turned to face Jesse and plastered on a smile.

Great. He still wouldn't smile at me.

"Hey Jesse," he said.

"Um, hi?" Jesse replied, his eyes darting between Blake and Alissa.

He was probably waiting for her to erupt into sobs.

"You ready?" Blake asked, trying to sound casual and failing spectacularly.

"Ready for what?" Jesse asked nervously.

"Beach break, of course."

Blake's blue eyes flickered over to Alissa for a split second. I was the only one who caught his moment of weakness, and the expression on his face told me everything. He was furious. And I would be, too, if I caught my girlfriend making out with a guy named Ethan who wears board shorts and fist-pumps to Ariana Grande.

"Oh!" Jesse exclaimed, eyebrows shooting up. "I forgot about that. Yeah, I'm ready for a beach break. Um, Lena?"


"Do you guys want to come?"

I knew he was only trying to be nice, but the kid was an idiot if he thought Alissa wanted to be around Blake Hamilton—or vice versa. They were both obviously uncomfortable. Not to mention, it seemed like drama, fistfights and crying girls seemed to follow him wherever Blake went, and I wanted no part in any of it.

"No thanks, Jesse," I said before Lena could reply.

Blake's eyes snapped onto me. My face went up in flames.

"But Waverly, you should go!" Lena argued.

"What?" I choked out.

I gave Lena a are-you-out-of-your-fucking-mind glare, but she didn't pick up on it.

"Alissa and I need to get back to the bookstore, anyway. You should go down to the beach," she suggested, carving out a spoonful of double chocolate fudge ice cream. "I mean, seriously. This is like your second day in town. You should spend it at the beach, not in a dark, stuffy bookstore. Besides, Jesse can teach you how to play beach volleyball!"

Jesse shot me an apologetic smile.

"I don't think that's such a good—" I began.

Lena frowned. "Why not, Waverly?"

Because I can't swim.

"Well..." I struggled to think up an excuse.

"You should go," Alissa squeaked. In unison, everyone turned towards her. Her head was down as she played with the lace fringe on her shirt. I felt a little bad for her, even if she was a cheating, sobbing emotional wreck.

"Fine," I sighed, "I'll go."

"Can you hurry it up a little?" Blake asked.

He was glaring at me.

Didn't see that coming.

"Don't get your panties in a wad," Jesse mumbled as he pushed his chair back, the legs screeching against the tile floor. I let out a nervous giggle as I jumped up from my seat and trailed behind Jesse, sort of like a lost puppy, and caught Blake rolling his eyes before he stormed out of the ice cream parlor.

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