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Original Edition: Chapter Thirteen

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By the time Blake pulled his father's silver sedan into the driveway of his house, the sun was already beginning to sink below the horizon and everything in Holden was glowing orange. I locked my fingers around the edge of my leather car seat and held on for dear life, knowing that as soon as I let go, I'd have to face the fact that I was stuck babysitting two-year-old Isabel. All because stupid Blake Hamilton was blackmailing me.

The bastard.

I glared at the back of his head as he pulled his keys out of the ignition and pushed open the driver's side door, letting a gust of humid air pour into the car. I groaned and sunk down further into my seat, savoring the feeling of cool leather against my bare legs. If I could just sit in this air-conditioned car forever, I would die happy.

But of course, Blake interrupted my moment of peace by poking his head back into the car, an impatient frown on his face.

"Come on," he snapped, nodding towards his house.

"Fine," I muttered.

I didn't move.

Blake rolled his electric blue eyes at me and stood up, folding his arms across his chest as he waited for me to emerge out onto the driveway. Behind him, the Hamiltons' front door swung open. I craned my neck to look past Blake's torso and saw Chloe step out onto the front porch, dressed in all white and cradling Isabel in her arms. She spotted Blake standing beside the car and grinned. Then she noticed me, sitting in the passenger's seat and probably grimacing with reluctance, and frowned.

"Hey, um... you two," she began, obviously trying to sound cheerful rather than confused as she looked between us, her frown deepening.

"Hi Chloe," Blake responded, practically the embodiment of nonchalance.

"You gave Waverly a ride home, Blake?" Chloe asked, barely hiding her surprise.

"Actually," Blake began, leaning back against his father's silver sedan, "she volunteered to watch Isabel tonight."

Volunteered, my ass.

If it weren't for my seatbelt, and the presence of his stepmother, I would've launched myself out of the car and tackled Blake to the ground. I bet he was smirking. I hated that stupid smirk of his. I felt a malicious smile spread across my face as I imagined grinding his perfectly chiseled nose into the gravel driveway. Surely that would get rid of his smirk.

Jesus, since when did I get so violent?

"Waverly!" Chloe cried, beaming at me. "That's so kind of you!"

I couldn't help but smile back and loosen my death-grip on the edge of the seat.

"It's no problem, Mrs. Hamilton!" I chirped.

I wasn't sure, but I thought I saw Blake flinch. Whether it was because of my falsely chipper attitude or the use of his stepmother's title, I wasn't sure. Either way, I kind of liked seeing him squirm. So, I kept up with the sickeningly sweet attitude and hopped out of the car. I practically skipped up to the porch and climbed the steps two at a time.

When I reached the front door, Chloe was grinning.

"Look, Issie!" she cooed at the toddler in her arms. "It's Waverly!"

Isabel tilted her chin, her wispy white-blond curls bouncing around her head, and blinked her big chocolate brown eyes at me.

"Wave-ree!" she giggled.

Close enough.

"Hi, Isabel!" I said, bending my knees a little so that we were eye-level. Isabel let out another giggle and stretched out a chubby arm, her hand grasping for my nose. I laughed and stepped backward an inch, then held out my hand so she could grab hold of my thumb.

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