More work?!

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You were doing your regular chores as usual, making lunch for beerus, doing laundry, cleaning bathrooms and other things. You've been whis's assistant for awhile now, two years to be exact. You thought it was going to be easy since whis can practically do anything with his staff, but you thought wrong. As nice as whis is, he definitely does not give you lack of work. He makes sure that you carry your load around here.

One day, whis appeared in the laundry room where you were gathering the morning load. "Good morning, (Y/N)" he smiled "Good morning whis." you smiled back, grabbing the basket. "I have some good news and kind of upsetting news." you look at him confused "What's the upsetting new?" you asked. "Your work load has been doubled, i apologize for giving more work than usual, but it has to be done." You couldn't believe it, more work, you've had enough as it is already. Regardless, you nodded.

"Now, what's the good news?" he smiles again "We're have company staying here with us for a couple of weeks or so." Company? What kind of company? Is it deity important or regular visitroy? "They are already here and i want you to introduce yourself to them so they know whose doing their laundry and other things." he chuckles as he directs me to the door. You put the basket down and head out the laundry room with whis leading the way.

As you both come outside, you see in the distance two figures. You couldn't see who they were yet; you had to wait until you got close enough to see their faces.

Goku's POV

Vegeta and me are waiting for whis to come back with this mystery person we're supposed to meet. I can't wait to meet this person! I like meeting new people and making new friends, but i wasn't so sure about vegeta though. He is never happy around others, come to think of it, he hasn't been around anyone at all lately. Not even his own family.

Normally he does spend some time with them, but he's been avoiding them ever since we've defeated frezia. I would ask, but he gets annoyed when i even mention bulma. I wonder what happened with them.

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