Part 4 : Robin

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Robin looked at her father, speaking up right after he put down his phone, "Who was that?" She asked, making Aaron turn around to face her. "Just a friend, I'll be going out in a few minutes. You guys can handle yourself, right?" He asked, making Brendon perk up in excitement of being home alone, in a sense. "What does just a friend mean? Is she a colleague?" Robin continued, knowing she was being extremely nosy but not being able to let it go nonetheless. Aaron released a deep sigh, reaching for his coat, "I just met her, we're just gonna go to the festival nearby. Is that alright, Robin?" He asked, putting on his coat and trying to fix his hair in the mirror. Robin just gave an annoyed hum in approval, turning around to sit on the couch and turn the tv on, turning the volume up a lot higher. Aaron just gave her one last look, deciding to let her be for now and ruffled through Brendon's hair before stepping out the door. "Can we watch something else?" Brendon whined, trying to take the remote from Robin's hand, "Brendon, please, I'm not in the mood-" she spoke, turning around to face her phone lying next to her on the couch as she heard it buzz, making Brendon take the remote from her in a swift move as Robin was distracted. 'Wanna come over?' It read, making Robin swallow as she read who it was from. "I'm going out. Don't break anything." Robin spoke to her little brother as she stood up, grabbing her bag from the dinner table. "Are you going to Jared again?" Brendon asked, eyes still focused on the tv screen that was now playing some sort of cartoon. "Yeah, I'll be back in a couple of hours. There's lunch in the fridge, okay?" Robin spoke, seeing Brendon give her a short nod in return before walking out the door.

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