Part 8 : Robin

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Robin followed Aaron into the house, closing it behind her before putting her bag and coat on the ground. She'd made sure to clear up her face as much as possible so that Brendon wouldn't notice, having wiped all the mascara stains of her face. "Brendon!" Robin heard her father yell from the living room, making her look up, furrowing her brows in confusion, and make her way towards them. "What's wrong, Da-?" Robin asked, stopping midst sentence as she saw Brendon sitting on the couch, holding one bloody tissue against his nose. Robin walked a little closer, only to notice that his ears were covered with blood as well, small pieces of blood sticking to his hair. Aaron picked Brendon up from the couch, "We need to go to the hospital, right now." He said whilst walking into the hallway, opening the door with one hand, Robin following him after grabbing some extra tissues from the kitchen counter. Aaron opened the front door and walked over to the car parked in front, putting Brendon in the backseat and sitting behind the wheel himself. "You go sit next to your brother, Robin." Aaron spoke, making Robin nod and getting in the car besides her little brother, letting him rest against her side whilst she switched his tissue with a clean one.

Robin saw her father talking to a receptionist, fidgeting with his hands on the desk whilst Robin was sitting with Brendon in the waiting room, trying to clean his ears a bit. Not much later Aaron came back, followed by a nurse, "They're gonna take care of you now, Brendon. We'll stay right here, okay?" Aaron spoke, going down on one knee to get to Brendon's eye level, giving him a light ruffle through his hair before the nurse helped him stand up only to guide him to another room where they would examine him. Robin rested her head in her hands, a shaky breath escaping her lips, feeling her father sit besides her.

Robin felt someone shake her lightly, making her open her eyes only to see her father looking at her, slowly nodding towards the nurse in front of them. Robin swallowed a lump in her throat, looking at the nurse with anticipation, waiting for her to speak. "I'm afraid I have to tell you that your son has been diagnosed with Leukemia. He's currently sleeping, but you're allowed to go see him." The nurse spoke, her voice quiet as she gave a sympathetic look towards both Robin and Aaron. "Fuck!" Robin heard her father curse, him taking in a deep breath, air coming out shakily as he put both his hands in his hair frantically. Robin felt tears well up in her eyes, her gaze traveling to the ground, feeling sick all of a sudden. Her body started to tremble as her breathing started to speed up, feeling numbness take over her body whilst her tears slowly progressed into sobs. Aaron put an arm around Robin, pulling her closer to him, making her look up to meet his teary eyes, a few tears rolling down his cheek. They both stood up, wanting to see Brendon, "He's in room 13B." The nurse spoke, making Aaron give her a light nod before taking Robin with him towards the hospital room.

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