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Everyone has their ups and downs once in a while. Others have more ups than downs, and they are extremely happy about it. However, others have more downs than ups, yet they somehow manage to stay balanced in joy and sadness, because after all that's life, and they still try to live life to the fullest and try hard to turn events around. Then there's me. My whole entire life has been one big old down. A down that I never seem to stop from falling into.

Kennet. Kennet Grace Gallagher.

That's my name and yeah yeah my first name is a boys name, but hey I didn't have a choice on how I was named, yet I don't care what people think about it, because I think it's a unique name for a girl, and I love it.

Let me tell you a little about myself, and my family. My name's Kennet like I said, and I'm 16 years old, I live in a small house in the south side of Canaryville, Chicago. I live with my 6 other siblings and my dad.

There's Fiona the oldest of us all, she's 21. She's like the mother of this house and always has been, at least that's what Lip tells me. There's Lip, his real name's Philip, but everybody in this neighborhood calls his Lip, he's 18, 3 years younger than Fiona, 3 years older than me. Lip is very smart, like could graduate college as a doctor kind of smart, but he's stupid too, because he doesn't really do anything about it. Then its me, you already know about moi, Then my twin brother Ian, who is younger than I am by 3 minutes, I always rub it in his face if you were wondering, you wouldn't be a good twin if you didn't, then there's my 12 year old misfit of a sister, but then again all Gallagher's are, but unfortunately foe Debs shes a misfit as a human being, not to be mean or anything. Anyway, there's Carl my 10 year old brother who likes to torture animals and eat rotten stuff. Liam who's 3 and my youngest brother, and to be honest I hope my last sibling. But with parents like mine who knows. Then there's Frank, my dad. I have no clue how old he is, and I dont really care. He's a useless drunkie, junkie, and everything bad that ends in kie.

I've only known this family for 3 years. Me living with my mom for 13 years before this. Living with my mother was worse than living with Frank and that's saying something. Because... Well Frank is a pretty bad parent himself. You might wonder why would mom take me but leave my other siblings, or even leave my twin... What was so special about me? Well quite nothing really... I'm not special or anything of that kind... I never knew the specific as of why my mom would choose to stay with me and not another Gallagher.

But as I grew older she seemed to take advantage of the fact that I was small and beautiful, oe at least that's what many men and women had told me before... My first 'job' was asking for money in the park with ripped clothes and dirt on my face in the winter... I worked there until I was 7 years old and not cute enough to get money, that's what Monica would say, then I worked as my 'moms' slave until I was 10 which was worse that being in the cold asking for money, after that it got slightly better...


My life changed for good or as good as it is now, which is a lot better than before, I got a job with this veterinarian named Alan Deaton, he was very nice and I mean nice enough that even if he couldn't really let me do anything serious at the animal clinic as a 10 year old, he still helped me... I told him everything about myself, and why I needed the money and he told me he would hire me to take care of the animals and clean around, and that he would pay me $1.25 the hour because of the laws and blah blah blah... So of course, I accepted.

That's where I met Scott. Scott McCall... he was a nice boy my same age. He was Deaton's stepson. Him and Scott's mother had gotten together when Scott was 7 years old, 2 years after them not knowing anything about Scott's dad. He was so nice and made me laugh a lot. He used to walk me to my house every day to make sure I got there safe... That was until my mom got some of her friends to scare Scott away... I still saw him, like a lot but he wasn't allowed to come to the south side of town because it was too dangerous.

A year later after meeting Scott I met Stiles Stilinski, he was a hyperactive boy who couldn't sit still. But he's one of my best friends now, and I would do anything for him. I would do anything for all of my friends.

So when my mom finally got tired of me... Which by the way I don't know why if I was the one who payed for everything in the house with my salary and she would always ask me for extra money to buy drugs... In the end she still got tired of me and she wanted to leave with her gay lover that liked to be called Bobby. So logically she sent me away... To a family I had never known.

That's when I met my other family, well the people that came from the same vagina... They're not really my family... Sure they give me a roof to sleep under and food, but they have never treated me like a sister. I still have to give half of my salary to Fiona, I still have to clean most of the house because Fiona is too busy trying to keep a job without fucking up, I still have to give extra money to Frank because if I don't then I'll get kicked to the curb, the only difference from here and living with my mom is that now I have to clean after 6 people, instead of just my useless mom, sometimes 7 if Frank stays the night. So no, my life didn't improve, it got worse.

But I still had and have my friends. I had and have Scotty, Tiles, Alli, BQueen, and all of the new friends Liam, Malia, Isaac, Kira, and Derek... Well Derek isn't really a friend, he's just the sour wolf that turned Scott and Isaac into what they are today, he's really just an acquaintance.

My life with these people has changed in so many ways, some in the good way, some in bad. For example me being in constant danger while trying to help them. Or by me being loved and needed by them no matter what. They're my real family, and I love them.

They are the ones that help me through the day, week, month, and year. Whenever I fall down the wrong path, they're there to bring me back into the side I want to be forever. Like many times before, I would risk myself for them, I would die for them, all of them... Even for sour wolf, because even if he doesn't talk much to me, I'm willing to risk my life for anyone that would risk theirs for my friends.


Hey guys it's me again with the worst literature ever...

I'm bored and that means me writing shitty stories of my favorite shows, bands, otp's, and celebrities.

Hope you like it... And yeah.



#All rights reserved to Jeff Davis and Paul Abbott.

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