Chapter 7

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"Well who's starting?" I mumble cuddling into Lip feeling tired all of the sudden as the adrenaline from the brake up and the defending of Derek left my body.

"Okay well look Kennet, the reason you ever got involved with the supernatural was because you yourself are a supernatural being." Deaton looked at me with soft eyes and talked with an even softer voice.

"There's this myth or story my mother used to tell my sisters and I when I was younger, that said that once every 150 years an Alpha of all Wolves was born, the myth says that it's always a women and that it's always in the same line of ancestry, my family has always been lead to you because of the power you radiate, us being a family of werewolves and you being the Alpha of Wolves makes us attracted to you. When my family died my mom never got the chance to actually tell me that the story wasn't a myth and that the girl that lived at the end of the street with her mother was actually the Alpha of Wolves and that it was my duty to let you know and to protect you.." he looked down as if ashamed.

While I was still looking at him incredulously, my eyes wide and my mouth slightly parted.

"When I started feeling the attraction to you I asked Deaton, who has always been an emissary to my pack and family, I asked him why I felt such attraction if I had never met you or ever talked to you, and that's when he told me his suspicions, he was never sure because he didn't feel it as strongly as a werewolf does, and because emissaries never feel that kind of respect because they usually respect all and every werewolf no matter what family you're born into" Derek continued.

"When I met you back when you were 10 years old I always knew you were special but I thought that was because you were maybe a supernatural being but that you hid it so you wouldn't be hunted, after a while of me dropping signals that I knew about the supernatural and you never picking it up I just brushed it off and continued on with my work and with helping you because I knew how hard it was at home with your mother and then being dropped off at Frank's with your siblings" Deaton took over for Derek.

I continued to stare at them quietly as did the others in the room, everyone looked socked at what the older guys were saying. I've never felt any different and even as I learned about the supernatural did I ever feel different. And now all of a sudden I'm a human Alpha of all Wolves?

"Wait wait wait!" I raised my voice. Everyone turned to look at me making me feel slightly uncomfortable, "How can I be an Alpha if I'm not even a werewolf and if I'm not even an Alpha how in the hell can I be the Alpha of all Wolves? It makes absolutely no sense!" I panicked.

"Calm down sweetie, we'll explain everything." Deaton calmly turned to Derek giving him a nod.

Derek walked closer to me sitting on the coffee table in front of me and taking my hands in his.

"You aren't a normal werewolf Kennet, and it's taken me this long to figure out why, you have to understand that there isn't much information about your kind since only one is born every 150 years, so I've had to make my own conclusions and research as much as I could," he trailed off as if to see I was following.

I was looking down at our hands. As soon as his hands touched mine I felt this wave of calm and relaxing chills coming over me, I looked up into his eyes and nodded, letting him know I understood.

"I found that your kind of werewolf gets to live up to 130years, and that you age slowly, a lot slower than humans and a bit slower than regular wolves, (cus in this story all werewolves age slower than humans) after your death one of your children will be the carrier to the next Alpha as to keep the Alpha within family and ancestors. I'm not sure how it works but that's what I found in this mythical book I found in the library. I also found that between you and your soul mate you will bring a pack together and that pack will be like the royalty of all packs, you get to choose who is in your pack and who isn't, also when you see that a rule is being broken or you don't like something from another pack you can command them to change or terminate the evil as you see fit, it's like the name says you are Alpha of all Wolves so all werewolves are to obey even if they're not part of your pa-" I cut him off by putting my hand against his mouth.

"So I can kill without being reprimanded? That's crazy? And immoral!" I exclaim.

"Yes and no, I mean I read that as the years go by you will learn what are the rights and wrongs, for example you didn't do much when Deucalion was here but if you would've been as powerful as you are now he would've felt it and either tried and failed to kill you or he would've begged for forgiveness and left without causing anymore harm. If he had decided to try and kill you, your animal side would have taken over and defeated him as fast and easy as breathing and if his pack followed his actions you would see fit to their punishment." He explained.

"But Derek I don't have an animal side I don't have a transformation, how am I an Alpha without being a werewolf?"

"Well after you start your own pack like you've created here then you would start unlocking your animalistic side until you became a full werewolf" Deaton replied from behind him.

"This isn't my pack though it's Scott's he's the Alpha!?"

"He was" Derek emphasized the word was and looked seriously into my eyes.

I turned to look at Scott expecting to see an angry and betrayed face but instead I saw a smile turning into a full on smirk. I smiled back at him and turned to see the rest of my friends to see their reactions they all look fine apparently it wasn't as shocking as I thought it was. I voiced my thoughts.

"How come all of you look okay with this? I'm a human who is about to out rank your Alpha, and you all seem fine with it?"

"You're a good leader," Scott smiled.

Everyone agreed with him.

"Besides at least now we know why we submit to you so hard," Malia said from her spot.

I smiled, "I don't know what to say or do? This is a lot of information, not only am I a new found leader but I'm going to change into a werewolf soon and on top of that I have a soul mate?" I freaked again.

"You'll find him as soon as you finish your transformation, you should feel a connection with him now but it would be clear when you transform," Deaton smiled at me. "And you should transform as soon as you finish and accept everyone into you pack" he said looking at Derek back and then meeting my eyes again, he did that 2 more. I looked back at Derek.

He smiled lightly at me, I had the stinking sensation that he was my mate, I had always liked him but I had never wanted to drag him into my insane life that I lived at home.

Oh no. Home. What will happen? As much as I hate everyone at home they were still are my crazy relatives and I wouldn't want to leave Liam all alone with them. I wouldn't mind leaving everyone and just running away from the Gallaghers but Liam and Lip, I didn't want to leave them behind. Lip of course could stay with me, but Liam, I couldn't do anything for Liam. If I took him with me that would be kidnapping.

"What about home?" I turned to look at Lip, "What about you? Liam?" My eyes watered at the thought of never seeing Liam or Lip again.

"Well I could become part of your pack? I could get bitten and become a werewolf like you" Lip smiled, he did seem excited about the fact about being supernaturally strong and fast and everything that came with it. And for someone that had to live with Frank and Fiona for so long I guess it excuses it.

"Where would we live?"

"You can stay with me and the others at the loft? Until you find your mate" Derek smiled at me. He looked happy about the fact of me living with him.

I smiled brightly back at him.

"We can take custody of Liam away from Frank, so he could be ours" Derek said all of a sudden as is an afterthought.



Well that's it.

Guys let me know if the chapters are too small and I'll try to make them longer.

Right now my chapter are of 1400 words and over.

Is that too short?

Well I hope you guys enjoy.

Leave subjections in the comments.

Have a nice day.



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