3: Untold Secrets

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Carlos came back to his dorm. He saw Jay laying on his bed, looking at the ceiling.

"Am I crazy?" was the first thing he said.

"Yes" Carlos answered with a laugh.

"I'm serious." Carlos saw Jay's face; he wasn't joking.

"Why are you asking me that?"

A huge silence followed Carlos' question.

"You know what? Never mind" Jay turned himself on the bed.

Carlos approached him.

"I don't believe one word" he crossed his arms.


"Because I know you better than this. You don't just ask me a question, look serious, then pretend it never happened if you're not hiding something. I may be two years younger but I'm not dumb"

"Curse that big brain of yours" he mumbled.

"So spill!" Carlos just stood there, giving him a glare; he always ended up admitting things when he did that.

"Dude, stop with that glare, you know that creeps me out" Jay said, finally turning to him.

"I'm not stopping till you tell me" Carlos said, giving him an even bigger glare. The two of them just stood silently until Jay let out a big sigh.

"Fine, you win!"

Carlos smiled widely and sat beside his friend.

"Now tell me what's been bugging you."

"I'm being too determined for something insignificant" Jay said, avoiding his friend's eyes.

"Hmm interesting... do you know why?" Carlos curiously looked at Jay.

"No. Though it's not like I haven't tried to figure it out."

"I can't help you if you don't tell me what that something is"

"Woah!" Jay stood up. "I never signed up for this"

"Just saying!" Carlos laughed. "Though you don't have to"


"You seem nervous. I can tell that you're hiding a secret... is it about a girl?

"You've been hanging with Evie too much, dude"

Carlos laughed again.

"Maybe. Though I really mean it; it could be about a girl"

"Pfft, keep dreaming" Jay said, making Carlos snicker before lying in his bed. Jay looked at him intensely, an eyebrow raised.

"Can I do something for you?" Carlos asked, looking at Jay.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, you can! Can you tell me what you did?"

"What?" Carlos was confused.

"You're missing a glove" It was Jay's turn to cross his arms. Carlos immediately looked at his left hand. How could he have not noticed? It must have fallen in the library! Or... no, it couldn't have. Could it be that the Velcro got stuck on Jane's dress? Then that means she still has it...


"Huh?" Carlos blinked a few times.

"Dude, you just spaced out for 45 seconds there. It's totally obvious that you're hiding something" Jay said. A huge silence installed itself in the room. Unexpectedly, Carlos crossed his arms.

"Why should I tell you? You didn't even answer completely when I asked you!"

Jay opened his mouth but closed it right after.

"Speechless aren't you?" A smile grew on the white haired's face

"Not at all."


"So what I'm hearing is you're not gonna tell me what happened?" Jay asked.

"Not unless you tell me what you're hiding" Carlos answered.

"Fine, then no one will tell nothing to no one" Jay said, turning away.

Carlos laughed. "Wow, you really want no one to know"

"Shut up"

Just at that moment, there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it!" Carlos said, standing up. Jay was skeptical; Carlos never wanted to open the door, too lazy to even want to stand up. That could only mean he knew who was at the door.

"No I'll get it" Jay dashed across the room to get to the door first. Carlos noticed because he started running as well. They both arrived and both their hands were on the door handle at the same time.

"Jay, it's okay, I can take this!" Carlos insisted.

"Since when do you ever open the door?" Jay asked, still holding on to the handle.

"Just let me open it!" Carlos replied, genuinely avoiding the question.

"I knew you were hiding something!" Jay exclaimed, pulling on the handle. The door suddenly opened and they both fell on the stomachs, Jay falling on top of Carlos. A pair of legs was in front of them. They both looked up and saw a very confused Jane.

"Okayyyyyyyyy" she frowned at the two boys.

"Jane? What are you doing here?" Jay asked curiously, looking over at Carlos, knowing she only came for him.

"I came to give Carlos his glove back" she answered, still looking at the boys weirdly.

"How weird! I had NO IDEA Carlos had lost his glove" Jay said, putting emphasis on the "no idea". Carlos groaned and hid his face with his hands. "Where did you find it?" He asked, looking more curious than ever.

"Well I found it stuck on my dress" she answered.

Jay immediately looked at Carlos who's cheeks started heating up.

Jane just stared at the two, utterly confused about their behaviour. She just shrugged it off and crunched down to hand Carlos his glove.

"Here" she gave him his glove.

"Thank you" he squeaked. Of what Jane knew, it was never good when he squeaked. It only seemed to happen when he was nervous.

"You're welcome! Now I guess I'll let you guys finish what you started? I suppose..." Jane stood up and walked away.

A huge silence took over the two boys as Carlos put his glove on.

"You totally did something with Jane". Carlos moved Jay off of him and AND stood up.


"Don't lie to me!" Jay said, standing up too.

"I'm not telling anything... not until you catch me!" He said, running off.

Jay sighed and ran after him.

This is probably the book that I update the faster! Three chapters in less than 4 days!! 

I hope people are reading this because I really like writing this book. 

Tell me what you think~!  

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