25: Stupid Little Things

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Her soft hand was intertwined with his. He couldn't quite see her face but he could hear her voice saying his name softly; he could see her smile through the cloud of blur that covered her eyes, her nose and everything else. He could also hear her laugh, a giggle that was simply music to his ears. It sounded so familiar yet he couldn't put a finger on where he had heard before. He didn't know who that person was but he could tell that she was beautiful. He was happy... happy to just be there, with her, in a place he couldn't even see. All he could see were their hands and her smile shining through the fog. He could hear her say his name again. Carlos... Carlos...

"CARLOS!" He suddenly heard a voice that didn't seem as soft as the one he was hearing. He suddenly woke up, startled, and looked around. Jay was standing with his Tourney outfit, his arms crossed.

"You're gonna be late for practice... again" the brunette said, rolling his eyes. Usually, he would have groaned and gone back to bed but he simply sighed deeply before standing up. Carlos has been on a literal cloud for the last few days. He didn't know if it was because of his win at the competition or if it was something else but one thing was for sure, he was happy. The cloud of negative emotions he had been on has been replaced by a cloud of nothing but rainbows and happiness. It was inexplicable yet it was good for a change. He wasn't at all bothered by the fact that the Tourney practice he had missed had been moved to today because the Tourney players wanted to see him at the competition. He stood up from his bed, rubbing his eyes. As he got ready, he got lost in his thoughts. The dream he had... it was so weird. Actually, most of the dreams he has had were weird... or at least he thought so because this one was the first one he actually remembered. He didn't understand why he had them or what they were about; the only thing he knew was that he always woke up with an awkward fluttering feeling in his chest. He couldn't stop thinking about today's dream. What did it mean? Who was the girl in his dream? And most importantly, why the hell did he dream of holding her hand? So many questions yet so few answers. He decided to shrug it off for today and concentrate on the Tourney practice he had. When they arrived at their usual table in the cafeteria, Carlos had the smallest amount of food in his plate. They all sat down and started eating, except for him, who simply started moving his food with his fork. He had a small smile on his face though, although it was for no specific reason. For some reason, he couldn't make himself eat.

"You should eat" he suddenly heard Evie say. He looked up to them.

"Wha- Uh yeah, sure" Carlos said while nodding unconvincingly.

"He's been like that for a few days. He barely sleeps and he barely eats. Are you sure you're not sick?" Jay asked while looking at him. It wasn't his fault that he woke up in the middle of the night and was never hungry! Carlos sighed deeply.

"I don't... think I am. It's probably gonna pass soon anyways" he shrugged it off once again. The three others didn't seem convinced and started a discussion about it. Carlos didn't pay attention though, he was distracted by something else. From the corner of his eyes, he spotted Jane, who had just entered the cafeteria. He watched her as she made her way to the cafeteria ladies to pick her food. He could only see her back but somehow he still couldn't help but observe her from afar. He suddenly felt somehow shaking his shoulder and he snapped out of his trance.


"We were asking for your opinion" Evie told him. Carlos blinked; he had no idea what they were talking about.

"You weren't listening, were you?" Mal inquired. He shook his head.

"Er... no, not really" he admitted. Mal rolled her eyes.

"What distracted you this time?" She asked.

"Nothing!" He said while throwing his hands in the air to show he was innocent. He glanced over at where Jane was standing and Jay immediately spotted him.

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