Fourth Deception: The Engagement

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William felt his heart skip a couple of beats and cold sweat trickling down his neck. How long has he been here?! How much did he manage to overhear?! the boy was quietly panicking while trying to remain composed in the face of the Duke's intense gaze. As the latter started walking down the corridor in his direction, William tried to calculate his scarce chances for an escape.

However he was interrupted by the tall man as he approached closer "Is anything the matter, my lady? You seem distressed. "He said with a hint of worry in his eyes. But there was no way of knowing wether it was genuine.

"There is nothing to be concerned about, my lord." the boy said while gently bowing his head. As that did not sound too convincing , William tried to change the subject "Has my father already shown you the mansion? We also have a lovely garden, if you are interested."

"The Duke is a great host, but I prefer the company of the fairer sex." Antonio answered slyly while extending his elbow towards the anxious boy. Before the member of the said 'fair sex' had any chance to protest he insisted by saying "Would you really deny me this pleasure, my lady?"

Unable to refuse his sister's future husband, William reluctantly slipped his hand into the cruise of the Duke's elbow and lead him out of the corridor onto the patio. After a few minutes of admiring the gardens and explaining the origin of most of the exotic plants they reached the outer gate of the estate. It was made out of the best Sheffield steel and was decorated with the Rochford family crest: A large letter 'R' surrounded by grapevines which ultimately met on the top in a crown of rose thorns. Beyond the gate were endless fields which were family property. The Duke rented them out to farmers and collected his cut during the harvest season. It was one of the ways that the wealthy managed their formidable income. William talked most of the time while Antonio just smiled and kept quiet.

With every passing minute William felt more and more uneasy. He still made no indication about how much he overheard from our conversation. This is not good at all. I'd rather he confront me if he knows anything. As the couple retraced their steps back to the mansion Antonio stopped by a rose bush and plucked a white flower. He gently cleared away the thorns and carefully placed it in between William's petite ear and temple. Just as the dumbfounded deceiver was standing in a stupor, the Duke looked deep into his aquamarine eyes and asked with a smirk: "You and that butler of yours seem close, my lady."

This sudden action caused blood to rush up to the boy's cheeks and his heartbeat fasten. He quickly moved back and adverted his gaze. This man was very strange indeed. William could feel that the elite fiancee could see right into his soul. It was beyond uncomfortable.

"Nothing of the sort, my lord!" the boy exclaimed while stepping back. Knowing too well that this reaction practically screamed with suspicion, he hurried to give a valid excuse: "Mr. Miles is my brother's assistant, you see. Being currently away on official business, he left me in charge of his position in the house. So Mr. Miles was simply keeping me informed about the state of our affairs businesswise."

" I see..." the tall man said with a sly grin. They continued to walk in silence until they ended up in the corridor leading to the ballroom. As William was about to think of a plausible lie to excuse himself Antonio turned to him and uttered: "Well, I've enjoyed the walk my lady. I hope I didn't interrupt any important business discussion with my selfish request."

"Not at all." the boy exhaled in relief and curtsied "Well then, it's my time to leave you, mylord." As William was going up the stairs he descended earlier today, Antonio turned around and said "I am pleasantly surprised. I did not think Great Britain was so liberal as to leave a noble lady in charge of shipping business all on her own. I guess I will like it here. " As he reached the other side of the ballroom he waved and exclaimed: "I'll see you tonight at the party."

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