Chapter 4

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A/N:  Greetings from Iowa where I'm on a mini vacation and typing this on the world's smallest computer.  My fingers are way too fat for these keys!  Thnk you all so much for the reviews last chapter.  They always make my day.  Big shout out to Heather for fixing my errors and tolerating my dislike of commas.


There was a slight strain between Alice and me over the next two days, not that I'd seen her much, or any of them for that matter.  It was almost as if they were mad at me as well, and I couldn't figure out why.  Well, I knew Alice was upset because I'd been out on my own, but I didn't understand why she was upset.  I'd even tried to talk to her about it, but she'd shut me out.  I'd called my mom as well as Angela and talked about it, and they'd suggested that Alice, was perhaps, embarrassed because she'd overreacted.  Although, Mom did give me a lecture about walking around at night on my own even though I assured her I'd been just fine.  It wasn't like I was cutting through alleyways in the dead of night in a bad part of town.

As I made my way to my psychology class, I wondered if Edward would talk to me or if he'd give me the same the treatment as was his sister.  I'd had a really crappy day, having fallen and bruised myself in my dance class, and I really wasn't in the mood to deal with anyone's attitudes.  Sitting down at the desk I'd shared with Edward on Monday, I got my book and notebook out and waited for class to begin.  Edward came whizzing in seconds before class started and sat down next to me, not even glancing my way.  Whatever.   I tried to shrug it off, but I was upset by the sudden change in everyone.  Halfway through class, though, Edward slid a piece of paper my way, and I glanced down to see that he'd asked if I was okay.  I shrugged and wrote that I was fine.  He shot me a disbelieving look and wrote the word bullshiton the paper.  I didn't have time to write anything back because Dr. Banner began asking us questions.

As soon as class let out, Edward reached out and touched my arm.  "What did Alice do?"

I stared at him, my jaw dropping open.  I assumed he'd be asking me what I did to Alice, not the other way around.  My shock seemed to amuse him, and he shot me a grin.

"She's in a snit about something, and knowing her, and I do, it's most likely her own fault."

"She freaked out on me Monday night," I began to tell him as we walked down the stairs.  "She'd gone off with Emmett and Rosalie, and I was chilling on my own.  I went to dinner and then for a walk and didn't get back until a little after eight.  When I got back, she demanded to know where I'd been.  It's ridiculous!" I growled, getting worked up again just thinking about it.

"That sounds like Alice," he said, running a hand through his hair.  "Emmett and I call her mini-mom behind her back.  She can be very controlling at times."

"Yeah, well, I've dealt with someone controlling my every move before, and I'm not having it." I scowled.

"Does this have to do with that traumatic event you mentioned in class on Monday?"

I took a deep breath before I nodded.  "Yeah, it does, but I don't want to talk about it just yet."

Edward nodded his head in understanding.  "Well, when it comes to Alice, she'll come around eventually, and she'll apologize.  She's most likely upset with herself for upsetting you.  If she hasn’t come around by tomorrow, let me know, and I'll straighten her out for you."

"Thanks," I told him, giving him a small smile.

"No problem.  Feel free to vent to myself or Emmett about Alice any time you need to.  We know how she is," he said with a wink.

I shook my head at him, but I was grinning.  However, my grin was soon gone when I heard Lauren's voice.

"Eddie!  There you are!  We need to get going, or we'll be late for class.  Unlike some people, we don't have time to stand around and chat," she whined, shooting me a nasty look and tugging at his arm.

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