Chapter 8

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A/N: Thanks for all the reviews last chapter.  I know you were all eagerly awaiting Lauren's departure.  She'll make an appearance here and there of course, but now we can mainly focus on B & E.  Huge thanks to Heather for dealing with me and my comma hatred.


By eight the following morning, I was awake and ready to meet Edward for breakfast. We hadn't specified a time, so I wasn't sure when he was going to show up. At a quarter after, my phone buzzed, and I was surprised to see a text from Edward asking if I was up and wanting to go eat. I replied and then saved his information in my phone. I wasn't even aware he had my number.

We met downstairs in the common area, and he was a beautiful sight to see first thing in the morning. He looked much more rested than he had in weeks, and I was greeted by his beautiful smile.

"Hope you don't mind that I got your number from Alice."

I shook my head. "Not at all. Although, I was a bit surprised to see a text from you."

We began to make our way toward the cafeteria when Edward stopped suddenly.

"Want to go out for breakfast?" he asked, and I couldn't have said no if I had wanted to.

"Sure. Where to?"

"Come with me," he said with a sexy smile, and I had a feeling I'd follow him to the end of the earth if he asked me.

We got into his Volvo and pulled out of the parking lot, arriving at our destination less than ten minutes later. Edward pulled the Volvo into a parking spot, and I grinned when I saw where we were. The Waffle House. I freaking loved the Waffle House. I practically skipped my way to the door, thanking Edward when he held it open.

Twenty some minutes later, I was shoveling waffles with syrup, peanut butter, and powdered sugar into my face.

"That looks so gross," Edward said before taking a bite of his French toast.

"It's not," I mumbled through a mouthful. "It's amazing. Try some."

I held out my fork and almost moaned in delight when his lips wrapped around it. He chewed for a moment, and I watched his face.

"Not bad," he said after he'd swallowed.

"Not bad? Please, these are freaking awesome."

We were talking and laughing over our meal when I saw Lauren and Bree walk in. I didn't bother to hide my sigh before I informed Edward. He let out a groan, warning me to brace myself. I really didn't want to deal with Lauren first thing in the morning, and I was afraid things were going to get ugly.

"Well, well. What do we have here?" she asked in a snide voice as she stopped in front of our table. Her eyes were shooting daggers at me as were her friend's, but I did my best not to react to her.

"A couple of friends eating breakfast. Is that a problem?" Edward asked, arching a brow in her direction.

Lauren scowled as she put her hands on her hips. "Friends. Right," she scoffed.

I let out a sigh. "Yes, friends. Believe it or not, friends eat food together all the time," I told her. "Now, if you'll excuse us, we'd like to finish our meal in peace."

I could tell she wanted to say more, but thankfully, our waitress stopped by to see how we were doing. I asked for more orange juice while Edward said he was fine, and then our waitress turned to Lauren and Bree.

"Are you joining them?"

They both shook their heads and stalked off toward their own table, shooting us dirty looks over their shoulders.

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