Kind of difficult... Yes... It suppoused it doesn't have to feel like this, but what the hell! I'm feeling like this. Maybe you don't even care, but do you care to someone? Ha, makes you think doesn't it?
Give yourself a break to think about it and you'll see it doesn't go the way you wanted to go.
Hardly ever someone thinks about this, and now it's my turn.
Guess I'm kind of sensible, yes I am. I admire all that people who have to stand me all day...
Have you ever think in others? Have you ever give to others? Have you even see others?
They say that you pass in a time when the only question you make to yourself is: do I really care to someone?
Of course you care to someone, the problem is that you don't notice that, He is the best friend ever, the best company you'll never find, the best shoulder where you can cry on, in summery THE BEST!! And His name is: GOD!
He is everything, the One who wont get you disappointed, the one who is going to carry you when you fall, the one who loves you unconditionally!! Your father, friend, mother, partner... However you wanna call Him! He is your support!
But, still your not satisfied, do you want more? Yes I guess you do, because for you there's not enough!
But for Him, you are more than necessary!
Learn to hear him, learn how to be more like Him!
Never get out of the way he has chosen for you! :$
Stay strong, because He is with you, he has send you a lot of angels (people) that are there bye your side every time you are tempted to fall.
He said: I didn't say I would be easy, I said that it would be worth it!
Solo imaginen un momento sin que Él pensara en nosotros, ja, ni podríamos estar pensando en eso!
Por eso cada día que ves a los seres mas queridos por ti, cada día que te levantas, que Él Señor te da de vida, ese gran don y regalo, disfrutalo, puesto que no sabes cual será el día en el que Él decida llevarte a su lado para siempre.
Ten siempre como meta LLEGAR A DIOS, siendo agradable para todos y todas, siendo INIGUALABLE, para que asi nadie te compare y si te compara que sea como ejemplo, se ORIGINAL, para que asi seas ese gran motivo que impulsa a los demás hacer grandes cosas, se ALEGRE, puesto que como una amiga me dijo: cada minuto de enojo que tienes, son 60 segundos de perdida en los que pudiste estar sonriendo. No dejes que ese mal interior se apodere de ti, cono dijo mi otra amiga: no dejes que el mundo cambie tu sonrisa, sino cambia tu al mundo!!
Y asi podemos seguir poniendo muchas cosas mas, pero todo lo podemos resumir en esto:
Dios es nuestra fortaleza, nuestra alegría, nuestro refugio, nuestro TODO. En él encuentras desde la "A" hasta el infinito. Que fuéramos nosotros sin Él... Difícil pensarlo, difícil imaginarlo, por tanto, imposible de creer!
I believe in you, I have faith in you! I am really grateful. Thanks!
Never stop believing in what you want!
Even if you don't believe in God, he does believed in you! ;D, even if He doesn't exist for you, you wouldn't be alive for Him, even if you denied Him, He will always love you!
We might have problems, but like I said:
No hay puertas sin cerraduras, así de la misma manera Dios, no da problemas sin soluciones! :D
Have a good day, night, evening, madrugada, lo que sea, but God bless you!
With all my heart. ...
Nicolle D.
Short StoryNuestra inspiración, aquella que nos hace escribir, aquella que hace que nuestros sueños vayan al mas allá. Cual será esa inspiración. Por que no vas y la buscas? A lo mejor a de ser por que no has encontrado esa motivación que sea lo necesariamente...