Chapter one dawn of the first day

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An I apologize to all readers for being so dang late. please don't send in your angry mobs so without further ado the first chapter.

"Link, wake up."

"Wake up"


"Gahhh, who wha," I mumbled. Lady of the sand you'd think I was an idiot for how I sound in the morning. My vision cleared and two bright yellow eyes were starring at me right in the face. Nabs, I should have known. Of course that vai would wake me up.

I can still remember when we first met. I had just turned seven, my father decided that ,as a treat, he would take me to see the Hydromelon gardens. I had been begging to see the plant that was the lifeblood of the entire guru do society. I remember the green of the plants. The color seemed to glow from the inside. No surprise it became my favorite color. As soon as I could I dashed away from the main group. Running through those topiaries I never felt such a rush.

      Then I crashed.

       Into a vai with the reddest hair I have ever seen. Her hair was even brighter then my Fathers. Her eyes were glaring at me from where she fell.  She looked mad.

        "Watch where your going blue eyes," she speared. Oh, she was definitely mad. Not being one to be shown up I quickly replied.

"I could say the same to you fireball,"I accused. Like to see her make up a better insult then that. Unfortunately, we didn't get far in our little battle of seven year old insults.

"Lady Nabooru!"
"Prince Link!"

We looked at each other and with a grin of understanding, and in perfect harmony yelled one word.


We dashed away being chased by what I was sure was half the royal court. I had never had as much fun in my life. Then it stopped.

"Gotcha!" A Maid had managed to grab a hold of me holding me off the ground she began to bring me back towards the main group. I struggled hoping to get away to enjoy the rush of the chase. Then with a cry of pure energy, I turned to see something extraordinary. There she was , the carrot top who had been my partner of crime holding a vine. Her face showed nothing but courage as she leapt from the ledge swinging towards me.

Quicker then I thought possible, She grabbed hold of me and landed running. Eventually we reached a clearing breathing heavily. Finally catching our breathe we looked up at one another and laughed.

"Thanks for the save", I told her, "where did you learn to do that?"

"Don't know that was the first time I've ever done it", She claimed with a shy grin. "My names Nabooru. What's yours?"

I smiled and with a grin said,"Link."

I looked down slightly embarrassed and asked,"hey you mind if I call you Nabs?
She looked at me as if she was surprised,"Why?"

I shrugged saying,"Nabooru is way to long."

We've been best friends ever since. When we finally got caught it was only because we were to busy laughing to care.

"Finally, I swear you sleep like a rock, if not for the snoring I'd say you were dead," Nabs grumbled at me. I shook my head. Must she always insult me in the mornings. Then again our friendship was pretty much entirely based on making fun of one another. As serious as Nabs was she always seemed to loosen up around me. She's always looking at the straight and narrow going on her own path no matter what others say. Out of all the nobles of the court she was the only one who didn't treat me any differently then anyone else.

   "Your highness?" I looked over and saw a messenger. Specifically one of my Father with his red and bronze colors on her tunic

"The King has requested your presence in the throne room," she was nervous like she didn't know how I'd react. I know he looks a little frightening but it's not like he's a bad person. I mean, he took me in when I was but a child. How bad can he possibly be?

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