Writing For Yourself

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Dedicated to @CrystalTheWriter for a few reasons... 1) She was one of my first Wattpad friends. 2) She writes because it's her passion, which is what I'm gonna talk about right now.

This isn't a real chapter, but whatever, I just wanted to jot this down for y'all.

Something IMPORTANT I realized today is writing for yourself.

There's some quote out there about this. 

"Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self."

-Cyril Conolly



I'm pressing enter a lot.

So, back to my quotey stuff. That quote up there ^^^ means that sometimes you don't need to be original. Your writing doesn't need to be perfect. Don't write on this freaking website because you fantasize about having amazing stories, write because it's fun. If you have an idea, just write it, and don't worry about how good it is. Eventually writing for yourself will turn into writing for the public. That's the best place to be in as a writer.

But a little originality isn't bad, either. :D

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2014 ⏰

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