Juan. Resonating Beauty.

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It had been over two years since I had been exposed to Islam and during this time period  its beauty would not stop resonating. I, Mexican born male was introduced to the one true religion in an indirect way at the beginning of my teenage years . And even though its teachings made sense it was difficult to abandon the principles that had once been the lenses through which I saw life. But alhmdulillah Allah azawayel placed me in certain situations that facilitated my reversion.

Like it was previously mentioned I was born in  Mexico more specifically the city of Acapulco and like most of its citizens I too received a very christian upbringing.

Naturally the society that I was born into shaped the guy I had been but this would later be changed.

Anyways  I started learning about Islam through my oldest sister who was happily married to  a good Muslim man from Morocco, because of her apparent happiness I knew he was treating her well. However my perspective towards him and  their relationship was not always the same, as I like many other people was a victim of the distorted image that the media portrayed about the Muslim men thus causing me to believe them  to be tyrants and oppressors of  women.

Some time during their relationship but before their engagement phase my sister started talking to my other sister, my brother and I about Islam more specifically about some of the signs in the Qur'an, I was speechless and furious as I thought her fiance had brainwashed her and forced his beliefs into her.

This made me think that I had to do something in order to help her see what would be her faith like if she married a muslim man. So I started to "collect information" with the intention of providing her with evidence that would support my misconception. But to my surprise I could not be more wrong! As I learned that the man named Muhammad (pbuh) said things like paradise is under the feet of their mothers,  that one's daughters will open up gates of paradise, or that getting married was actually a righteous act as one's wife is the half of their religion.

These beautiful principles put my mind at ease but I kept my findings to myself as I still did not like my brother in law (for no particular reason lol).  After learning of their perspective I found that I was no longer against her marriage but now I was in an indifferent state. The apparent result of this experience was that Islam was not at all what I had thought of it to be and that the media had done a good job distorting and tarnishing its image because of this I would no longer accept its information regarding this religion. What I had not realised was that its outcome had been far more profound that i had assumed as I began to have doubts of my very own  religious upbringing.

        Fast Forward 2 years later and I was now starting my junior year of High School. I was full of vitality and had confidence in both my intellectual and physical prowess. My first month of this new school year was very dynamic as I was enrolled in many different activities and clubs plus I was taking three college level courses. 

One friday afternoon I had a severed stomach ache around the lower region of my stomach, I did not think much of it other than it might be something temporary something minor. So for the entirety of the weekend I did nothing but lay on my bed and I usually just got up to throw up. Monday came and I was starting to feel slightly better so I got up to get ready for school and as I was making my way out of my room my father intercepted me to tell me that I we were going to go to see a Dr. to  find out what was really wrong with me (I was happy because i was going to be able to skip a test I had not studied for lol).

Anyways we went to see a Dr. and after running a few test he urged my father and I to go to a hospital more specifically the emergency room. So once we got to the emergency room they did a few more tests on me, and after examining the data that they had gathered they came to the conclusion that I had appendicitis and that I had  to have surgery that very same day. So they gave me anesthesia and I would not be waking up until after the surgery.

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