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||Word Count: 770||

Sofia's POV

"Stand straight" my mom whispered while touching my upper back, signing me to straighten my posture. We were currently waiting for Josh David and his parents because my family wanted to meet them. They wanted him to marry me in exchange for a partnership with my dad's company. If you think about it, the David's wouldn't get as much pros for their company as much as my dad would, but my dad has his ways. He always gets what he wants.

It's just that I don't want this. Being forced to get married to someone I hardly know, let alone love. It just didn't seem fair. Girls my age should be free. Going out with their friends and finding that special someone who would love them and for them to love back. But me, I had to do everything they told me to do. I had to protect my image and my family's image because one slip up from me and our reputation could be ruined. But personally, I didn't care. I wanted to live my life without anyone controlling it. They do send me to school, but they don't allow me to have friends because they say that my friends would only use me for my money which I think is possible but I have to socialize someway. I just feel so strangled by my parents sometimes and I just want to breath freely for once without having to worry about what they'll think. I do everything to make them happy and for them to be proud of me but it just seems like it's not enough. You can say I'm a good girl. Doing everything my parents tell me to but never asking, let alone getting anything back. A simple 'I'm proud of you' would be nice sometimes you know.

"They're coming" my dad whispered, making my mom put on her famous pearly white teeth.

"Hello, welcome to our home" Mrs David said, walking into their living room.

"Thank you, you have such a nice house" my mom complimented, taking a step towards the David's and shaking their hands while my dad also did the same.

"My name is Alexandria, this is my husband Brad and this is our son, Josh" Mrs. David introduced her family and I took a look at Josh. He was good-looking. Really good-looking but that doesn't make me want to not do this any less. I didn't know the guy and just because he's good-looking doesn't mean I'm gonna fall in love with him that fast. That's not how my feelings work and it will never be like that.

"Well I'm Lauren, this is my husband Scott and this is our daughter Sofia. Ofcourse you know her" my mom replied.

"Oh yes! Sofia" Mrs. Alexandria exclaimed, walking towards me and cheek-kissing me.

"Nice to meet you Mrs. David" I greeted.

"Oh please, call me Alexandria. It's nice to meet you too Sofia" she replied. She seemed nice, but I knew it was fake. She had to act nice towards us because what we were about discuss was about business and neither of our families took that as a joke.

"So, shall we bring this to the dining room?" Mr. David/Brad suggested and my family agreed.

We were walking towards their dining room and my mom and Alexandria were talking and so were my dad and Mr. David/Brad. I let myself walk last and so did Josh. We weren't speaking to each other because, what were we suppose to say? "Hey, I'm that girl/guy who you're gonna marry wether you like it or not".

"Um, hi Sofia" Josh suddenly spoke up. I looked at him and gave him a little smile.

"Hi Josh" I replied before adverting my gaze back to the front.

"Um, look I know we're being forced to marry each other but it isn't so bad" he said and I just sighed. He was never going to understand my situation.

"Yeah" I simply replied. This was never going to be easy.


Hey guys! So sorry this was a short chapter. I kind of wrote this prologue when I was with my family for vacation so I was hurrying because we were going to watch some fireworks!!Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed this and hope you guys stay till the end

(Also, the pic on top is the one who plays Josh David. I chose Matt Terry to play him but ya'll can choose anyone to play him, I just kinda wanted Matt to play him)



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