AN - The Idea

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Hello fellow readers,

Well this is my first attempt at writing a story (Not really, but it's the first  one I'll be publishing). 

The idea

It came to me suddenly one night at 2 am. I was having a hard time sleeping when the sudden burst of inspiration came: Tsuna, School, Vongola.

Yeah... not the most original idea but hey, why not? I liked it so I'm sure someone else would too.

I'm not really that good with words,  so I can't really promise It'll be any good or anything, but I'll try. Oh! almost forgot,  I'm also not so great on catching the character's personality, so if there's a part or scene where you don't understand the plot or who I was referring to in the story, you could ask me directly or just leave a comment. Either I'd answer it or another random reader answers it for you (if there are any). Feel free to comment.

I'm still not sure how long the story would be, in my head it would be a long one-shot or one with a few short chapters (updates wont be up regularly).

So here goes anything!

-whatever my pen name will be if I ever have one-

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