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I hope you liked that! I liked it too - and by that, I mean I'm happy with the way it turned out. Fun Fact- I was actually gonna kill Dot off. Before you start protesting, this story was supposed to be a metaphor for death. You could say that I only wanted to kill her for added drama, and that it would have been too unexpected and a weak end. But, there isn't always a build up to death in real life, is there? That's why it can be so destructive - things can be going fine, before someone dies and it's all uprooted. Death doesn't favour anyone, it takes who it wants to - regardless of who they are. 

Alas, I didn't have enough space to kill Dot off - so I let them have a happy end. I guess it wasn't really needed - and I still got my meaning across, so it's all good!

I tend to put random bits of my life in my stories - I don't mean to, I guess it just happens. Looking back, I see fragments of text convos I've had with a close friend of mine (not in a romantic way though haha) in this story. I think she's probably the only friend of mine I'm close enough to actually argue with. Just like Dot and Finn, we can go from witty banter to full on arguments in a second - but I can't seem to hold resentment (and trust me, I've tried the cold shoulder thing). I guess what I'm trying to say with this story is, any relationship (not just romantic) heavily relies on being there for each other. It doesn't matter if it's just cheering someone up, or sorting out their dark thoughts, if someone is looking after you - try to give something back, because even if the person fixing you seems like they've got their shit together, in most situations, they most definitely won't. 

I also wrote this story while listening to this one song that I had on repeat, because I adore it. I always write while listening to music, there's jus something about it that makes me write so much better. The song that I was listening to is called "Give Me a Try" by the Wombats - it's one of my favourite songs I LOVE IT. It isn't necessarily the lyrics that can be seen in the story, but more like the tune and the feeling of the song as a whole. Anyway, please listen to it (The music video's really strange if you don't like analysing it though - but what's life without a dose of strange now and then?)

Hope you enjoyed this short story - don't forget to vote and comment, I seriously appreciate it!

-Nova Fletcher

ps- Shoutout to kneeschnee for being a bro and helping me with editing for a while, giving ideas on how to make everything not crap, dealing with late night " HOW DO I FINISH IT" breakouts, and generally being a real rock. Also if you liked this, check out her short  story "The Reservoir", it's really good and deserves more votes than it has (it remains one of my faves to this day)

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