A Confession- Sunday: 12.00

716 69 33

The Conversation- at the hospital

"Finn!" Dot yelled.

"Ah, hey Dot."

"Did you..."

"Yeah I got the texts. Sammie brought my phone round last night."

"Your big sis sure takes care of you, huh?"

"Yeah, but not as much as you." Finn said shyly.

"I didn't mean to spam you, I was just-"

"- Worried. I know. You always are." They both went silent.

"How was the checkup?"

"The usual. They don't really seem concerned about my legs anymore - more about what's going on in my head."

"They have a right to be worried though. I mean, ever since you started school again you haven't been okay."

"I guess, you're right."

"Ha," Dot laughed softly, "I'm surprised you're not getting defensive."

"I'm over getting defensive. Dot,"


"I think I know what falling feels like."

"Oh yeah? Pray tell." 

He swallowed. "Falling is what I feel like when I talk to you. You're what falling feels like - exciting, fast, and in the moment. I look at you and you never seem to be still - even when things are crap, even when you're broken you still find the time to try and fix me. You're too good for this world, I swear. You're right"

"You know, you've always been strong Finn. But seeing you so broken after your stupid, stupid mistake - it was hard, y'know? And I never wanted to tell you how much it stressed me out because I didn't want to make you feel worse. I'll always be there for you though - you can count on it." Dot's voice was trembling a little, but she was trying her best to steady it.

"Well, I want to be there for you now. You can't fix me every time I fall apart. So even if it means me carrying you out here on my freaking lap, I want to help you out now! Because, ugh this is hard considering we barely speak face to face, you're someone worth bothering about too. So... yeah. Please say something, I feel embarrassed now." He laughed. "Also - wait- A few minutes ago I heard a scream and something that sounded like plates smashing... was that you?"

"Well, I guess you can say I... fell for you."

"Oh my gosh you are such an idiot."

"Hey! It was slippery, and -"

"Just shut up and kiss me."

"Fine, only if you stop laughing at my idiocy ."


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