Chapter 10 | Lingerie At Homecoming

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"Bri, at this point we'll never find a dress. We checked all over town and don't get me started on the wings. The theme may be Angels and Demons but come on, nobody will wear wings. Unless you find the ones the Victoria Secret models where on the ramp, like that's a huge exception." I ranted as Brianna and I exited the last unchecked store in town.

Suddenly Brianna's eyes widened and she stared into my eyes like an overly excited freak whose ready to purge. Shivers.

"THAT'S IT BLAKE! YOU'RE A GENIUS! I KNOW JUST WHO TO CALL!" Brianna screamed in my ear as we sat in her car.

"If I lose my hearing there's no way I'm going to homecoming," I scolded Brianna as she dialed someone up from her phone.

I fiddled with my phone meanwhile.

"Thanks Julie, this means the world to me!" she ended the call and started driving fast.

"Hey what happened and slow down we'll get pulled over." I asked Brianna who had a huge grin on her face.

"Whatever, you'll see." I rolled my eyes at her and sunk into my seat.

We pulled over at Bellamy's house and Bellamy was standing in his driveway. "Come on, let's go," Brianna jumped out of the car and started talking to Bellamy. I took my time.

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked waving my hand at Bellamy and looking at Brianna.

"Bellamy's mom owns a few high fashion stores in the city and Bellamy is taking us there," Brianna still had a grin plastered to her face.

Great we're going shopping with the bad boy. Does he even have a fashion sense? He mostly wears black jeans with his black leather jacket. The shirt only changes but its always a dark color or sometimes white. Like right now he was literally dressed in black. A black leather jacket and shirt with black skinny jeans and combat boots. He didn't look bad though. He went with his egotistical personality. Catching me checking him out, he cleared his throat to snap me out of my thoughts. He dropped the cigarette from his hand and put it out his shoe.

Next thing I know I'm being pulled to the back seat of his car and once we settled Bellamy starts driving.

"We could've gone on your car Brianna." I said.

"Well I'm tired of driving. Homecoming is tomorrow and with the amount of driving it'd be a miracle if beauty sleep works," yes it's true we're shopping a day before homecoming but only because Mandy sabotaged our dresses right outside the boutique we got them from. Mandy and Brianna would always shop from there but since they aren't friends anymore Mandy took over that store. Crazy, I know.

"Plus we don't have much room in my car for wings," she added.

"Wings? Like the ones those models wear on T.V." Bellamy chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

"Yup, those ones." Brianna didn't care, she had our outfits in mind which meant nobody could change that thought or judge it.

"So are you going to be wearing linge-" he looked at me from the rear view mirror. Before he could finish I slapped the side of his head with my hand.

"Shut up and keep your eyes on the road." I scowled at him.

"Whatever you say Blake," he smirked.

We entered the beautifully lit store. It was never ending. There were sections for all types of clothing, from T-shirts to crop tops to different lengths of dresses every type of clothing had a formal and casual section. I gazed at the Aztec section that was next to the bohemian one. I slowly walked towards the two. There's was a case that displayed rings, bracelets and necklaces inspired by the bohemian look. I could just drool over everything. I wanted to buy a few but before I could Brianna pulled me back and to a woman.

"My name is Jessica, what can I help you with?" the tall skinny woman spoke. She wore a white knee length dress that hugged her body.

"Julie sent us sent here," Brianna replied.

"Right this way." She smiled and led us to the end of the store where they had replicas of wings from all of the Victoria Secret Wings. Brianna looked through all of them.

I was looking for a dress and Bellamy was helping me out. I picked everything black and put them against me asking Bellamy how I looked. After saying no to around twenty of them, he finally approved one. It was a beautiful dress indeed. By the time returned, Brianna had selected her outfit. Jessica matched a few wings with my dress but I didn't like any. I sat down for a while thinking and then I realized what I wanted.

"I want the ones Gigi Hadid wore this year!" I jumped up in excitement. Jessica turned around and nodded at me with a smile and ran off to get them.

Bellamy threw me a surprised look but I shrugged it off.

"Finally," Brianna exclaimed throwing her hands up in exasperation.

Bellamy walked over to me and whispered in my ear, "why don't you get Gigi's entire outfit? It'll look good on you." He winks as he eyed me.

"I'm sure you see that stuff all the time during your quickies." I roll my eyes at him.

"I'm not the quickies kinda guy. I'm not into STD's." I felt him lean even more close to my ear. I could hear him take breaths. "I like taking my time, making my girl feel right." He paused again and I swallowed a lump in my throat. Why did he sound so sexy? "But making out works for me too." His lips touched my ear and I quickly moved back, resulting in me falling on the couch behind me.

Brianna turned around looking at both of us with narrowed eyeds but then shrugged her shoulders, looking back at the clothes on the racks.

I glared at Bellamy but he laughed and walked away not having the decency to help me back up. I rubbed my ass as I stood up. The couch was kind of hard and made a mental note of getting back at Bellamy.

We didn't have time for me to try my outfit on since we still had an hours drive home so Brianna rushed to the counter forcing to pay but Jessica wouldn't accept it. Bellamy and I watched at the two and laughed.

"You still don't have a date do you?" Bellamy leaned in asking me.

"Nope," I popped the p.

"Then will you go with me?" I froze for a minute thinking he already had a date. I rolled my eyes at him and chuckled.

"I'm serious Blake, will you go to homecoming with me, the quarterback of the school might I add," he grinned at me the way he did at his fangirls, wiggling his eyebrows for added effect.

I was about to decline but Brianna came back. "Lets go home." She ordered and without another word we made our way to the car.

The radio was playing soft music and I dozed off to sleep in the back seat. Anything to avoid confronting Bellamy, really.

"We're here," Brianna nudged my leg and I woke up, blinking furiously. I got the bags and the packaged box of our wings from the trunk and walked towards the door.

"Thanks Bellamy!" I shouted as I put the boxes by the inside of the door.

"No problem, I'll be here at 8 pm sharp." I turned to him and he winked at me then sat in the car.

"What was that?" Brianna grinned at me.

I threw the bags at her and I rolled my eyes. "Nothing important." I said as I took my things to my room.

"Sure, sleep well baby sis. Gotta look hot for our dates!" Brianna yelled through the door.

I ignored her and jumped on my cozy bed ready to sleep for the next two days straight.

"Girls, pizzas in the kitchen, don't sleep without eating!" Mom shouted from downstairs.

I sighed rolling off my bed. Sleep could wait, pizza couldn't.


This is really just a filler chapter. Then again I never had a story planned.

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