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The night was cool and a soft floor of misty fog covered the streets. I was on my couch watching a game of football when the signal had died. I went to the roof to see what the problem was. I don't know why but i had the weird feeling that i was being watch. This feeling was a very cold feeling. I could tell it was not a good thing. Once i got to the roof i looked at the satellite that got all 240 channels on my tv. Taking as much time needed i carefully examined the structure. I realized that some wires had been cut. Thinking it's just some retarded racoon looking to cause mischief. I started heading down stairs to look for my tools that had copper wires. I soon made it downstairs but there was that uneasy feeling again. That churn in my stomach. The cool breeze of shivers that went up my spine. All that i knew was that i didn't like it one bit. I came to a conclusion that maybe the ac was a bit to low so i went to go change it. When i went to change it i looked at the little blue screen that had the temperature. The temperature was at 64 degrees so i changed it to 73. Thinking that this cold sense would go away. It didn't. Soon i just gave up and went to my garage to get my tools. On the way there i swore i had saw something in my kitchen. I went back to look for it but it was gone. Nowhere in sight. Continuing on with my solution to my problem i went to the garage. When i went in the garage i saw my tools on the big metal locker my landlord left here for some reason. The weird thing was that it was open. I never opened it so i quickly grabbed onto my tool box and ran to the door then, slammed it!

By now i was creeped out. I just wanted to see who would win the game. As i was walking i saw the "thing" again. I swerved my body to its direction and true terror filled my heart. This thing that i saw it was a monster. This was something a human couldn't even imagine. It was huge, merely a 7 foot tall monster. Covered in white fur, i saw streaks of rose red blood all over it. Its yellow eyes stared right at me. It was like looking at death but much more gruesome. It had claws of a raptor but with fur. Its ears were like a tip of a mountain peak smeared with dirt. The nails in the left hand were dripping with blood in the other, was a big, red, moving, heart. I thought that was the last of me. Looking straight into death's eyes and saying no is very hard but, that's exactly what i did... i quickly started to sprint around the halls. Following me was the sound of a hungry growl. Hearing this terrifying grunt of the thing made me trip. Looking at the glow of the eyes in pitch blackness started to scurry to the garage. Crawling thru the dark about to get to the door the thing jump right in front of me. Opening its mouth it let out a huge howl heard from across the state. I soon jumped up only to hit my head and get dizzy by a shelf. Dizzy as can be i started to fall over.looking up at the drooling monster i knew this was my end, i knew i was dead. As i scooted back i put my hand over something cold. It was a hammer! I spontaneously started to swing it back and forth side to side. I felt a good 2 or 3 hits. It wasn't enough to kill it but stun it. I jumped up and ran to the front door where i went to get in my car. I started up the engine and got outta there. I went to my friends house john and asked him what was happening. He said that things went wrong. He had let loose a radioactive energy wave through the city by accident, he said wolves grew bigger, people went crazy and worst of all...



"WAIT... WHAT!!!!" i said. "Yes this is happening" said john. He explained to me how he had just got a job as a scientist, and how he was working with genetic reprocessing. He said it went south so the shut it down but, his co worker phil wanted to continue and went mad. Phil had pointed a gun to john and made him give the security clearance. Soon after wards phil had let loose the true meaning of hell. zombies , mutated animals, and paranormal anomalies. The look on john's face when he said this was a genuine face of terror and sorrow. While i was looking at him i thought about all my friends and family. Were they dead? Was i gonna die? How will i survive? All these questions came to me at once. Then i realized that john was backing up to the knife cabinet. What was he looking at? I turned around to see what it was. What i saw was a horrible flesh rotting,

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