Sleep and the Devil?

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Shizuo POV

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Shizuo POV

I stayed with Izaya, as he had his head on my chest and was sleeping on me. I didn't want to disturb or wake him. After a while, I fell asleep and it must've been a couple hours later before I heard Izaya whimpering and beginning to move in his sleep. I immediately began trying to help him, so it wasn't as bad as before. I pet his head and watched him closely, but it was only getting worse. I couldn't let it get as bad as last time. I wouldn't allow him to be that terrified again. "Izaya." I called, the memories of before persistent in my head. I shook him softly at first, wanting not to hurt him but needing to wake him up. "Izaya!" I called again, having serious deja-vu but I wasn't going to let him get to that point of unrest ever again. Suddenly, he stopped moving and stopped making noises altogether and I watched in confusion, absolutely sure that something was still wrong. Izaya's body then opened his eyes but it wasn't Izaya at all. His eyes were pitch black at first and then when he blinked, they turned orange with moving flames inside of them. I jumped back in suprise and fear as he sat up robotically and slowly turned his head to look at me. "Hello Shizuo Heiwajima." He murmered smirking creepily at me. Definately not Izaya.

Izaya POV

In the darkness of my nightmare, I walked among many glowing eyes that were honestly terrifying. The spirits that had been chasing me had dispersed when I had first entered this place and I had no clue why. Only that it couldn't be a good thing. But going back with the spirits was the last thing I was going to do. It was finally quiet and peaceful in my head and I wanted it to stay that way, if only in my dreams or even my nightmares. I walked nervously and suddenly was greeted by huge black wings, almost dragon like but thinner with rips and tears in them. The giant creature turned around to face me and I recoiled in horror. It was a pitch black goat with fiery red eyes and a human like build of a body. I was terrified at the feeling this monster gave me. The monster's eyes gleamed with sudden interest and I scrambled backwards, away from that creature as fast as I could. Suddenly, I was caught in a glass box with very tall sides and an open top. I went to the far side of the box away from him as my breathing became rapid and out of control. The walls were much to high to climb and I had nothing, nothing but my own body. The only comfort I could take was that the walls gave me a very small bit of a wall for security from that thing. He only seemed to come closer to the thin wall of glass between us.

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