Chapter twenty three - reunited

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They pulled up to the hotel in silence, a part of Jungkook wanted to drive Jin back and never let him escape, but Jungkook knew that Jin would never properly co operate. Jin began to get out of the car before Jungkook grabbed his wrist, "Be careful of Taehyung, Jin. He isn't as bad as me, but he isn't exactly ... innocent." Jungkook gave Jin a last nod before closing the door and driving off. Jin stood there for a moment, on the side of the road, thinking about what Jungkook had said. Tae had seemed so nice. Jin suddenly realised that he could see Namjoon again, after what seemed like an eternity. He bolted through the hotel running up to the room next to the original one, hesitating before banging on the door. The door swung open and Namjoon looked frantically around, checking for Jungkook before his eyes rested on Jin, alone. Namjoon bit his lip, tears filling his still bruised eyes. Jin fell into Namjoon's chest, tears filling his eyes as well. Jin let out a soft cry, "Oh Joonie..." His tears began to soak through Namjoon's shirt and the two began to fall to the floor, Namjoon on his knees, Jin curled into his chest. Jin moved his face from Namjoon's chest and interlocked their lips in a desperate and longing kiss. They were still in the open doorway of the hotel room, until Tae grabbed Namjoon's collar breaking them apart and dragging them into the room. Tae slammed the door shut and began to shout at the pair. "Are you kidding me?! First you could have given us away by telling Jin our whereabouts, then you refuse to leave, then you have an emotional breakdown where anyone could see you! Are you trying to get us caught by Jungkook?!" Jin let out a sob and buried his face into Namjoon's chest once again, he didn't want to be shouted at. He felt so emotionally and physically weak, he hadn't even taken his medicine for his heart in goodness knows how long.  Remembering this Jin pulled away from Namjoon shakily, ignoring Taehyung completely. "J Joonie, do you have my medicine... I'm really weak." Namjoon's eyes widened and he jumped up and ran over to their bags that had been dumped in the corner. He rummaged and pulled out Jin's medicine bag and chucked it to the boy, "Jinnie... do you need any help. Not that you have to have my help, I mean if you are perfectly capable..." Namjoon rambled on as he remembered their argument a couple of days ago. Jin just gave Namjoon a weak smile, "I could always use your help Joonie." As Namjoon was helping Jin, Tae just stood there observing the couple with an eyebrow raised. He turned around and opened the curtains, letting some light to shine upon the couple. Tae stared at the couple, deep in thought, "Hey guys, I'll be back tomorrow, I know you need some space to... I don't know...reunite?" When he realised that the couple were to absorbed in each other to respond he just left the room  and closed the door behind him. Taehyung shook his head angrily behind closed doors, Jungkook had already ruined his plan. Now Namjoon would never be his ...

Fun times! Maybe Jungkook wasn't the bad one in this story... ~ Skylar

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