Mini Me

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Tease: Years ahead, where Emma and Killian have 2 kids. It's their daughters birthday and they are reminded off all the time that has passed.

Rated: PG 13

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"I can't believe she's almost 13," Emma sighed against Killian's chest as they laid in their bed. It was early in the morning, but some of the only true alone time they got with their 2 kids always causing havoc. They were taking about their daughter, Leia; it was her birthday.

"Aye. I'm starting to feel old," Killian rasped in his morning voice. Emma had always loved his voice like that. Every morning it brought a smile to her face.

"You are old," Emma laughed, "over 200 years old if I remember right Captain Hook," she joked.

"Wow. No ones called me that in a while have they?" He thought back. It was true; Captain Hook was no longer who people around him viewed Killian as.

"Well that's not entirely true Captain," Emma smirked and gave him a quick kiss. He smirked right back at her, and pulled her lips back to his. He kissed her passionately until he knew that he had taken her breath away, literally. "Well it's a good morning," she said breathlessly.

"It's still early. We could make it a really good morning..." he suggested. Emma could see his pupils dilate just thinking about it. She nodded. He made his move quickly and she was under him without her pyjamas in seconds.

~ ~ ~

A bit later in the day the house was full. Both kids were awake, and Emma's parents had arrived with Neal. They were now waiting on Regina, Henry and his soon to be wife Violet. It was a bit of a tradition to have a family brunch for the kids' birthdays. Emma had always longed for something like it as a kid, but could never have it herself. She wanted everything for her children, and that's what they got.

"Liam don't," Killian warned his youngest. Liam was 7 and trying to get to the cupcakes stored up on the counter.

"Not even one?" Liam pouted.

"What? No. you haven't even had breakfast yet lad," Killian stated.

"Exactly. I'm hungry dad," he countered. Killian couldn't help but see himself in the boy. That being said it was not even 10:00 am, and he wasn't letting his son have a cupcake.

"You'll wait for breakfast," Killian told him strictly. Liam scrunched his nose up in frustration, but kept the pout going. Killian couldn't help but admit the kid was good at it.


"Liam," Killian interrupted him. This was the true warning, the one with the eyebrow raise and voice change, and Liam knew it.

"Fine," he gave up quickly and walked out to the living room where Henry had just entered with Violet by his side.

"Did you see that love?" Killian asked Emma as he put his arm around her waist. "The lads gonna be a con artist if we're not careful."

"Are you surprised?" Emma asked.

"No, not at all," he smirked and left a kiss on her cheek.

~ ~ ~

The gang all had brunch and dispersed soon after. They would all have dinner at Granny's in celebration later.

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