When Duty Calls

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Hands, one steel, one flesh, slammed down onto his commanding officers desk. "What the hell is this?" He meant to roar. It came out as a near silent rasp.

Roy barely spared him a glance, looking mainly at the paperwork he was signing. "Your orders, Fullmetal."

"War. Goddamn it, Mustang, war! The fuck were you-!"

"Me?" He said, voice dangerously quiet. "Believe me, Elric, I wouldn't ever send you to war. No one deserves it. Its the Führers orders, not mine." He spat, and Ed stood there, cowed into silence for the first time.

"But...Alphonse-" he was cut off again.

"Will not be accompanying you. You leave at seven o'clock sharp tomorrow morning. Pick up your uniform on the way out." His voice was steely, and Ed...he was numb.

He snapped his commanding officer a salute with perfect form, murmured a 'sir,' with as much spite and defeat as he had ever heard from the boy, and walked out of the office.

Walked. He didn't even slam the door behind him when he closed it.

The hell was Bradley doing, sending a kid to war?


Edward Elric in the military uniform was an odd sight to see indeed. His hair had been pulled neatly back, bangs included, and his cowlick had merged with two longer strands that absolutely refuses to stay out of his face. He looked...grown. Older than twelve, definitely, and a mirror image of Hohenheim when he had been younger.

Right now, he stood with a straight back, refusing to let his despair show on his face like some of the other men- and women -who were being sent to the front lines as well.

Colonel Evan Burgett examined them, calling names and ranks and titles and all that shit with an icy voice, each person called snapping into salute.

They were already on the train, lined up in a military car. Anyone who had tried to not show would be dishonorably discharged from the military and sentenced five years in prison for not playing their part in helping to defend the country.

"Major Edward Elric, the Fullmetal Alchemist." Burgett's voice said, his gray eyes flashing down the line of soldiers until they came to rest upon Ed.

Saluting crisply, he even managed a soft, 'Sir,' of acknowledgement and the Colonel nodded in satisfaction, continuing through the list of names.

"Private Shane Dausen?" Burgetts voice cut through the air.

There was no salute, no acknowledgement. Dausen would be the first of fifteen who had not shown.


Colonel Burgett had dismissed them, and now they sat in small groups or alone. Ed, personally, was laying down across one of the uncomfortable as fuck seats and staring up at the ceiling of the train car. He had meant to be getting some sleep, if only an hour or so, but his thoughts continued to stray to Alphonse.

His brother hadn't reacted favorably to the news; he had tried first to beat Ed up, as if doing so would be enough to keep him from following orders. Then, he went silent, staring at Ed with soulfire eyes dancing in emotions Ed couldn't fathom. And then he had yelled, before fading off into a quiet, defeated voice that had made guilt and remorse tear at his gut, sharper than any knife.

He was snapped out of his thoughts by a soldier, ranking of Sergeant Major, clearing his throat loudly. He glared up at the male. "Yes?"

"Pardon me, sir. I was just wondering if I could sit here." Ed scowled at being called sir.

He sat up, his golden eyes never once leaving the Sergeant Major's. "What's your name, Sergeant Major?" He queried,voice cold as ice.

"S-Seth Quantri, s-sir!"

"Don't," he barked. "Call me sir. And in answer to your question..." He glared, before snorting. "Whatever. You can sit where you want." And he lifted his legs, sitting up.

"Yes si- Majo- uh...Edward..?"

So he had picked up on his name, hmm? "Correct. And, sorry, what was your name again..?" He trailed off, eyes following the Sergeant Major as he sat. There was an awkwardness to his movements, as if he was uncomfortable.

He smirked inwardly. This was just ridiculous. How had this guy ever gotten to his ranking, stumbling like this?

"Seth Quantri." The stutter was gone, replaced now by a cold terseness as he waited for Ed's reaction.

"Well then," a playful grin that didn't reveal his inner turmoil appeared on his face. "Nice to meet you, Seth."

He appeared shocked, but nodded. "Nice to meet you too...may I ask how you got your certification so young?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Sure, and since I know what you wanted to ask I'll just answer now. I got it because I'm talented, and the state didn't want me slipping through their grasp. So, they recruited me."

Seth nodded uncertainly as the train lurched suddenly, starting to roll out of the station.

And for the first time in forever, Edward Elric looked back on what he was leaving behind.

After all, he had no idea if he would ever see it again.


The train ride was long, and when Edward wasn't aimlessly wandering the aisles in the Military Express train, he was dozing lightly, ready for anything.

He couldn't slip into his normal deep sleep, like he usually did on trains. No, he was too wound up for that.

Why had he been sent to fight?


He had had to leave his brother behind, and for what? To slaughter others.

If there was one thing he was sure of, it was that he would do whatever it took to return to Alphonse.

His eyes turned dark.

Even if it meant submitting fully to the military, attacking when told to. Mercilessly.


Back in Central, Alphonse was in Colonel Roy Mustang's office, armor emitting a faint rattling noise as the boy shook.

"How could you..?" The boy whispered. "How could you, when Brother thought so highly of you? How could you not fight for him..?"

Mustang was silent.

He had, indeed, fought for Edward Elric to not be sent to war, but in the end, the Führer had pulled rank, and Roy had had no choice but to accept what had happened with a grim sort of detachment.

He knew the younger Elric would not listen though, so he said nothing.

Not even when the boy hissed out a soft "I hate you", which hurt more than Roy cared to admit, and left the room quietly.

--1091 Words--

Random thing. I got bored, so...Yeah, this happened. It probably won't be more than a few chapters in length. ~The_Sin_Pride

To Live In A Land Of Blood (A Fullmetal Alchemist War Fanfic) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now