Only To Fall Twice As Hard

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He didn't expect the burning pain in his chest, or the glinting of the sun off of the barrel of guns to be so vivid.

He didn't expect to be shot.

And yet here he was.

Falling to the ground as his vision went black.

His last thought? Alphonse.

He was the last death in the war. It was almost fitting that his death would be the last.


The office was in tears.

Edward Elric was dead.

They were huddled around the letter Edward had written before he died and...they took turns passing it around.

And when Mustang had started to cry, curling in on himself and sobbing because dammit he hadn't tried hard enough? Well, the office couldn't bother with keeping their emotions in check.

Havoc was staring blankly at the ceiling, tears sliding down his face as they accompanied his ragged breathing and silent sobs.

Hawkeye's face was buried in her hands, and her shoulders were shaking slightly.

Breda was full out sobbing.

Fuery seemed shocked, not even aware that he was crying as he huddled in on himself in his chair.

Falman, the usually stoic man, had ran to the bathroom, lolling pale and clammy as if he were about to throw up and cry at the news.

But the worst was Al. The red lights that signified he was alert were gone, and he was just standing in the corner, holding the letter, armor shaking in his grief.


Edward's body and dog tags arrived a few days later, and the funeral had been held once Pinako and Winry had been notified and had made their way to central.

When Pinako was asked what Ed's promise was, they got a simple, to the point response.

That he had promised to live.

The funeral was a solemn affair, with Major Armstrong, Mustang's team, Mass Hughes and his family, Pinako and Winry. and Alphonse attending. The Führer himself unattended as well, head bowed respectfully.


For days afterward, Alphonse refused to leave his brother's grave, tracing his gauntlets over his brother's name, title, rank and years of birth and death.

The others let him, finding their own ways of coping.


Four years later saw Alphonse back in the flesh after the promised day, having had used the stone from Doctor Marcoh to pay the toll.

But he remembered freezing for a moment inside of the gate, because it couldn't be...

His brother was there, looking exactly as Al remembered him to be before being drafted.

He remembered his brother's quiet words, the small smile on their lips.

"Live, Alphonse. For me."

And Al had nodded, managing to steal a hug from his brother before the gate drew his emaciated form through it, and returned him to the middle of the circle.

And Alphonse?

He lived. For his brother.

--469 Words--

Its over. My shortest fanfic. Dear lord. Well, I hope you enjoyed! ~The_Sin_Pride

To Live In A Land Of Blood (A Fullmetal Alchemist War Fanfic) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now