Alternate Ending

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(Because I should totally be writing this instead of my other books -.- This is gonna be really short though.)

The war had ended almost a week ago. Everyone in the office, Alphonse especially, waited anxiously each day for a scrap of paper. A scrap of paper that would determine how their lives would continue.

Would they be complete and utter messes of depression and anger from thus point on, or would they be able to grin and go out for drinks and let relief wash over them in waves?

They never got the scrap of paper.

What they did get was Edward Elric, looking more mature and a bit more haunted than ever, but smiling triumphantly as he kicked the door to the office open.

For a minute, there was only shocked silence. Ed looked around, still in full military dress and hair in a low ponytail. "What, did'ya not think I'd make it back or something?" A toothy grin was flashed at those in the office.

And that was when Edward got the extreme pleasure of being tackled first by his brother, and then by the rest of the office.


The world continued on as normal; Ed got in fights, destroyed a few buildings, Alphonse shook his head in disappointment at his brother's antics, Roy cursed his subordinates carelessness, but it was all all right.

Because the office's ray of blinding determination and comic insubordination hadn't left them.


Years later, Ed and Al stood together in front of the house of their childhood friend.

Alphonse, with his body newly restored. Ed, with two flesh and blood arms but without Alchemy.

But it was all right.

Because his Alchemy had killed many, and although it was a part of him, Ed was more than ready to move on.

And so he did.

--302 Words--


To Live In A Land Of Blood (A Fullmetal Alchemist War Fanfic) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now