He Rises Above It All

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Ed was considered a hero.

People called him the Hero of Creta, like they called Mustang the Hero of Ishval.

It made him sick, but there was nothing he could do. Nothing. And the war was still not won. Still he killed.

Still soldiers parted in front of him, fear in their eyes as he took in the appearance of the thirteen year old human weapon in front of then who was so deadly in battle.

He did his job with a neutral expression, the sound of his alchemy lost in the din of the fighting.


The war was almost over.

All the soldiers said so.

So why did Edward feel so empty? He should be jumping with joy at the prospect of seeing his brother again.
With a sigh, he pulled out the letter he had written for his friends.

It was long, several pages of Ed's chicken scratch handwriting.

It was addressed to everyone on Mustangs team, Alphonse, Winry and Pinako, along with a note at the end for Izumi.

It read like this, starting with Alphonse.

For Alphonse:

I'm sorry, little brother. I couldn't fix what I did. I'm so sorry. Keep moving forward, find the stone, return your body. Get better. Don't think about me and be sad, and if you have to think about me, think about me how I used to be. Before all of this war bullshit. And about me being drafted? Don't take it out on Mustang. He didn't do anything, even if he was a bastard.

To Mustang:

Bastard. Get to the top. I'm counting on you. And do your god damn paperwork for once, you'll give Hawkeye gray hairs if you're not careful. Look after my brother, you're the closest to a father that he, we, have. I know you fought for me, and I'm grateful...even if you are an egotistical bastard who can't see anything but his next promotion.

To Hawkeye:

Make sure that the bastard gets to where he's going. You know...I almost called you 'mom' once. I know Al has, and I hope you know that, while you'll never be our real mom...we always have looked up to you like one.

To Havoc:

Quit smoking. You're too goddamn young to get cancer. Also, the girl at the café downtown thinks you're 'cute'. Just saying. I think her name is Kimberly.

To Breda:

The only thing I have to say is that you're fucking brilliant in shogi. I'm irritated I never won a match.

To Fuery:

Fuery...remember that time you disassembled my arm when I was napping and put it back together? Even if I was pissed at the time because of the damned aftershocks, afterwards I marvelled at how the hell you could have done that without blueprints.

To Falman:


To Winry:

I'm sorry I never visited. I'm sorry I made you cry so much, and I'm sorry about always breaking my automail. Keep getting better at making automail, all right, gear freak?

To Pinako:

I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise.

                         ~Edward Elric, the Fullmetal Alchemist

P.S, Al, tell Izumi everything. Please.


He sighed, folding the letter back up and slipping it into his pack, with his meagre belongings.

The 'Hero of Creta' was tired, in more ways than one.

--552 Words--

Eheh...enjoy reading! ~The_Sin_Pride

To Live In A Land Of Blood (A Fullmetal Alchemist War Fanfic) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now