Katrina Cross- my pain.

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People don't ever change the way you want them to. They can't and they won't. It's really that simple and the sooner people understand this concept, oh how easier life will be. I cannot deny the fact I am hurting. That I am being hurt by a boy who I somehow adore but also hate. I cannot deny the fact I am hurting. That I am being hurt by a friend who I somehow adore but also hate. I cannot deny the fact that I am being hurt by a mental illness which makes me feel everything so deeply and strongly that I end up resenting myself for having it. 


 It splits my brain apart. 

But so does the boy I adore who I have come to hate. And so does the friend I adore who I have come to hate. Time is the best healer, they say. But as time goes on I feel no better than the day my life crumbled before my very eyes, the day my world stopped spinning and everything just paused. Time stood still. The wind knocked the breath out of me, my heart stopped beating. 

The day the sun came up and I saw the world differently. 

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