The decision

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"I hate to do this to them but I have no choice they just can't get along." Ruki said. Currently Ruki and Reiji are in the study talking about the disagreements between their brothers.
"This is the best way I can think of to settle their disagreements."Reiji stated,"We have made the preparations, now all we have to do is tell them."
"Yeah let's just hope they don't break anything. "Reiji said.
"Especially Subaru and Yuma, I swear this house may not be able to take anymore...." Ruki said with a stern voice.
"Yes perhaps them going will give us a chance to clean up the house a bit."
"Agreed, this house has become a pig stie."
After they finished drinking their tea and reading there books they went to the living room were the other brothers and Yui were waiting.
"Took you long enough teddy and I have been waiting forever and are a bit eritated now, ne isn't that right Teddy?"Kanato said making Teddy nod in agreement.
"ore-sama better get a reward for being here."Ayato said with a serious voice.
"Yui will make you takoyaki."
"Better make it good or I will have to punish you pancake."
"......." Yui had no words
on what was just said.
"why are we here anyways?"Subaru asked with a ticked off voice.
"well Reiji and I have come to a decision ......."
To be continued

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