deciding for thy self

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"WHAAT?!"All the brothers yelled in unison. "That's right scence none of you get along All of you will be going to the 3 month stay at school for part of our summer break."Ruki said straight forward.
"WE'RE NOT GOING!!!!" Once again they yelled at the same time.
"well I guess it'll be just the three of us."Reiji said.
"Three?"Laito asked curiously.
"Yes, me, Ruki, and Yui."
"Yui is Going!?"
"Yes in fact she actually signed up for the stay before we got the idea, but since you don't want to go we will be all alone, just the THREE of us."
"I was looking forward to being with you guys, you really aren't coming?" Yui said as she finished her sentence adding puppy eyes and a pouty face.
Ayato's thoughts 'She is so cute seeing that face makes me melt soo kawaii~!'
"Fine I'll go."Ayato said with a pink tint dusted on his face, unfortunately for him Laito saw that blush.
"Awww~ my dear brother is blushing could it be because he thinks bi-"
"SHUT UP LAITO BEFORE I SLAM YOU INTO THE WALL!"Ayato yelled as his tint darkened. The whole time Yui thought 'What was laito-kun going to say' With a confused and questioning face.
"Ayato is so mean~ rather way I'm going too so I can spend time with her."
"Teddy and I shall go too"
"I'll go for M Neko-chan~"
"If sow goes so do I"
"Tch whatever is fine"
"It's bothersome but if you're quiet I'll go. "
"I'll go.......... It sounds...."
"Then it's decided we're all going."

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