Chapter 1:The Wickets Gang:Part 1:Twenty Minutes Earlier

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Victorian_Tea_Party:So,your actually insane enough to feature your friends as characters in your book?

ZestyWordsmith:Of course I am!To the story!

Note:All planets have continents.Now,these continents have cities,landmarks,everything like that.Except,these continents are all united by a monarch who lives in a capitol city somewhere on the planet.Though all habitable planets in The Universe follow this rule,Earth is a very weird exception to this rule.Now,to explain Kushara.Kushara's capitol city,Narniv Novsha,lies exactly at Kushara's South Pole.Kushara's terrain is that of vast meadows,thick swamps,massive ruins,and deep jungles.It's atmosphere can be considered habitable by human standards and it's oceans are able to support marine life.Kushara has a hazy red exosphere,kind of like the color of Mars.

OK,for reals now,to the story!

This story takes place in Narniv Novsha.Which is on Kushara.Which is in the Narvak Solar System.Which is in the galaxy Voa-763.


Eurolyn as Music_Gal16

MandeepKaur687 as jazz687

jfairbanks as jfairbanks

Randomness4 as Randomness4

ZestyWordsmith as Emojiologist

This Story Is Told Through The Perspective Of:Music_Gal16

Music_Gal16 POV

  I'm beginning to get tired as I run through the hallways of the one and only royal palace on Kushara.But I know I must keep running to avoid THEM,so I do.I run.I run as fast as I can."Oh,little girl,"coos Louis as he steps into view at the end of the hallway.The song Cookie Thumper by Die Antwoord is blaring through the intercoms placed in the palace.

  I halt at the center of an intersection of hallways.In front of me is a hallway blocked by Louis,who begins advancing.I look to my right and see a woman shouting "VIOLET DEATH CHORUS!" and beginning to be surrounded by wailing flames as she walks toward me.I look to my left and see a man walk toward me while flashing me an evil grin and withdrawing a sword cane.

  "You people stay away from me!"I scream as a tear back down the hallway from where I came.I find a closet and hide in it.As I desperately try to catch my breath,I remember how I got myself here...

20 Minutes Earlier

Music_Gal16 POV

  "You are all my advisors, let there be no more argument about that,"says the human-looking alien that was Emperor Voz,emperor of the vast planet that is Kushara.I along with Randomness4,jfairbanks,and jazz687 are the royal advisors of Voz.While Voz wears his purple silk robe and holds his gold scepter.The four of us only get to dress in simple,black,ankle length dresses.We four,Voz,his gilded throne that he's sitting on,the marble walls,and the many tapestries that lined the walls,are the only ones in the room.Weellll,that is,until Princess Despain,Voz's daughter,enters the room's French doors.

  Princess Despain comes in the room dressed in a simple,but lavish violet dress that reaches to the floor.Her green flats almost seem to sparkle in the light of the fire filled sconces that join the tapestries in lining the marble walls.Her shoulder length brown hair sits perfectly still.Strolling in behind her is Emojiologist,her personal butler.Obviously,he's dressed in a simple black tuxedo and bow tie.

  "Ah,Princess Despain,"says Emperor Voz as he arises from his throne to greet her."Hey dad,"says Princess Despain as he gives her a hug.Emojiologist flashes us a grin.jfairbanks,Randomness4,and jazz687 return the grin.But I,on the other hand, turn away.I don't know why,I didn't want to seem rude, but I did.

  "Hey dad,"repeats Princess Despain as she pulls out of the hug,this time in more of a question asking tone,she asks,"I was wondering if I could go to the mall with my friends?""Of course my dear!Why ever not!"replies Emperor Voz in a happy and hearty tone."OK,thanks so much daddy!"she chirps back in an even happier voice.Suddenly,her eyes quickly shift as if she forgot something.

  "Aww,shoot!"she exclaims."I left my phone in my bedroom!Emojiologist,could you go get it for me?""I would.But didn't I get it yesterday?"replies Emojiologist."Can't Music_Gal16 go get it this time?""Alrighty,then.Music_Gal16,go fetch me my phone,"commands Princess Despain."Ugh,fine!"I scream.And I stomp all the way until I get to her room.

  I emerge from her room with her phone in my hand.As I stomp through the marble hallways,I vent my anger by imagining how fricking hard I'm going to slap Emojiologist's face when I get back to The Throne Room.

  I turn the corner.And there they are.The Magician Lady.The Sword Cane Man.And HIM.HIM.HIM.HIM.HIM.IT'S HIM!IT'S LOUIS!Louis.Louis of The Knights Of The Crystal Moon.Louis,The Slayer Of Okress.Louis.Louis.Louis."Hello,lovely lady,"says Louis as his hands glide to his katana and revolver."Could you direct me to Emperor Voz.I need him dead,and I hope I can have the same with a gang that opposes me."But what really chilled me besides the ambiguity of how they even came to be there,was that there was the bloodied palace guard's corpse behind them.The guard's face was seared by a sort of fire beyond recognition.His head was at a very odd angle.His left arm,completely gone.

  I,utterly horrified,found myself turning around and running at top speed down the hallways of The Royal Palace.I don't know...where the heck I was going.I was just hoping  I could escape them.And as I ran,I could hear the song Cookie Thumper by Die Antwoord blasting over the intercoms...

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