"Treasure (Family)", Chapter Four

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"Treasure (Family)", Chapter Four

She wasn't lying when she said tomorrow. It was evening, but I was finally allowed to see Dajh. I left you back in the room because I was worried if you went Dajh wouldn't be able to figure out what his Focus was.

Don't be mad! Dad really wants the two of you to meet. But the Lieutenant was right about kids. When something else takes their attention, they'll forget about anything else. At the time, I didn't really understand what they meant by Focus. Not really. But I was panicked. Not just then, but the whole time. I was just so... worried.

What does a six year old boy understand? Could he understand?

It's all I could think about...

When they called Sazh in, it was a different room than he had been to yesterday. Instead of a monitor, there was a huge window. You could see the next room perfectly. But you couldn't see into this room from the other side. If you could, Dajh would have seen him and come running. They probably used this room to monitor their subjects.

"Do you want to see him first? Or would you like me to tell you what we've found?"

"What you've found... please."

He wanted to see Dajh very much, but he was worried about the results of tests. If he was thinking about it when he saw Dajh, he'd make his son worry. He thought it would be best to hear about it first.

In the next room there was an officer who was playing with Dajh. The man was probably in his early thirties. His cool silver hair and scar on his forehead looked as though it would scare children, but Dajh seemed to like him. The man probably liked children. His face looked grim, but you could tell by looking at him play with Dajh. Or perhaps he just took his duties seriously.

"Dajh is a good boy. He isn't shy at all, and he listens to others." Looking through the window, Nabaat smiled.

"Well his mother died when he was very young. He's had to go to babysitters and through child care, so he's gotten used to playing with other adults. That's why I changed from a long distance route to a local one, so I could be more of a father."

Before his wife had died three years ago, he had been all about his job. It had been his dream to become a pilot, and he had finally gotten signed on as a pilot for a long distance route. Everyday seemed perfect.

When he changed to a local route pilot all for his son, everyone was surprised. Even Sazh thought it was strange. He had worked so hard for it, to suddenly give it up like that. But he didn't feel he was wrong. He realized for the first time what it was like to spend time with your child. It was fun, and it warmed his heart.

He didn't want Dajh to be lonely, now that he didn't have his mother. For the past three years he had worked and taken care of him as best he could. But, in reality, it was Dajh who had saved Sazh. His smiles and his laughter became things to live for.

"What did you find? Can you heal him of this... l'Cie thing?" I don't want to lose Dajh's smile, Sazh thought. But Nabaat's eyes grew sad.

"With human technology... I'm sorry, but it's just not possible."

"No..." Sazh said, his voice seemed faint and far away. If Dajh doesn't complete his Focus he'll become a Cie Corpse. A monster. If he completes it he'll become a crystal. The old texts had said, "The l'Cie who has completed their Focus will be turned to crystal and be granted eternity." But to humans such a thing is the same as death.

Sazh looked to the other side of the window. The officer was giving Dajh a piggyback ride. Dajh was laughing and clapping his hands in delight. His smile was the same as ever, though now he was a 'l'Cie'. Just because of some scribble on his hand, he'd never again to able to lead a normal life...

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