"Search", Chapter Two

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"Search", Chapter Two

It wasn't long before Fang realized why they had blindfolded her. The airship they pushed her into was so narrow they wouldn't have been able to use their guns on her. If she hadn't been blindfolded and bound, she could have fought back and escaped.

But she wasn't bound for long, as Rygdea had promised. They hadn't been in the air for long when she felt the rumble of the airship landing. She felt hands on her back, directing her to move, but it wasn't long before she had to stop again.

There was a low noise. It sounded vaguely familiar to her, and she soon realized it was the sound of doors opening and closing. All the doors at the shopping mall and energy plant had made the same sound.

A voice started speaking, but it was one she didn't recognize. Perhaps this was the man Rygdea had wanted her to meet.

It seemed Rygdea was a "captain". She had heard the word often during her escape. From what she had learned from other soldiers, they added these words to names depending on their rank.

The blindfold fell from her face, and Fang squinted in the bright light of the cabin. She scanned the area, finding that all the soldiers were gone. There were only two in the room besides herself: Rygdea, and one other man. He had black hair, and a cool expression on his face that showed he was no push over.

"Take off the binds."

"Are you sure about that General Raines? This girl shouldn't be taken lightly..."

"I don't care."

Just what could this man be thinking? Fang wasn't happy about being bound like this, but she knew she would do the same if she were in their shoes. He must have some sort of plan already in place if he was going to unbind her. Their eyes met and he smiled.

"This is what you are thinking right now. You are a l'Cie of Pulse, and all of Cocoon is your enemy. But there are exceptions to anything, you know."

Fang stood wordlessly, staring into the man's eyes. She tried to read something of his thoughts, anything, but they were unreadable as the writing of Cocoon. His eyes were as cold and dark as midwinter, and had unknown depths.

"I am Cid Raines. I may control the Cavalry fleet, but I am not your enemy."

Fang wasn't stupid enough to take those words at face value. She snorted.

"Don't be an idiot. When it comes to my enemies there are no exceptions."

"Of course our charge is to protect the people of Cocoon. But just because that which we want to protect is different, does that really make us enemies?"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

No, Fang thought, I don't even want to understand. Raines took out a small device and placed it to his ear. It was hard for Fang to believe, since it was so small, but that machine was a wireless communicator on Cocoon.

"Ah, Lieutenant Nabaat. What's your status?"

She wondered who he was talking to. Raines looked up at met her eyes. A woman's voice crackled from the device. Fang looked around, startled.

"The perpetrator is still on the run. We haven't been able to locate her."

"It's the same on this end. We do plan on searching from the air between Euride and Bodhum, however."

Fang couldn't figure out how it worked, but it seemed that with that device you could hear the voices of other people. Raines smiled faintly, perhaps finding her reaction amusing.

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