"Search", Chapter Four

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"Search", Chapter Four

Fang had never thought that something as small as a no windows could make someone so nervous, and yet she found herself pacing back and forth in the tiny room.

But that's not why she felt so nervous. It had been two days since she had arrived here, and four since Euride. But still there was no sign of Vanille. Today Rygdea had gone into Bodhum to search for her, but it just served to make Fang more nervous. Neither Rygdea nor Raines, nor anyone but her knew how little time Vanille had left. While she was here doing nothing, Vanille's mark was evolving. She had to regain her memories and complete their Focus before it was too late.

She didn't want to get captured by the army, so she had agreed to stay on the Lindblum. But this was wasting time she didn't have. It might be dangerous out there, or foolish to go out among all those soldiers, but it was better than waiting here doing nothing. Fang opened the door slowly, and peeked out into the corridor.

There weren't many people in the hallway during this time of day. Most of the soldiers were at their posts, the rest were sleeping. Yesterday she had been bored, and left her room, but she soon got lost. She had thought to find someone and ask them where her room was, but no one was to be found. After an hour of wandering throughout the ship, she finally found her way back to her room.

No one was in the corridor, just as she had thought. Fang ran. She planned to find the small ship they had brought her here in, and escape with it. Though she didn't know how to use it, she hoped that it would be the same as the airbike. All she had to do was get on it, and it would work out somehow.

But, no matter where she ran to, the ship was no where to be found. Every direction she went in was a dead end.

If she had known this would happen, she would have searched more around the ship the day before. She could have told someone she was bored, and had them show her around. Except for Rygdea, everyone else thought that she was only a guest of Raines'. If she had asked they would probably would have agreed.

"Failed again..." Another dead end. Fang sighed at the cold metal wall in front of her.

"Failed at what?" A cold voice said behind her. Raines. "It would be a bit of a problem for you to go wandering about you see, so we put up barriers. All the doors near the catapult area you need to unlock to get through."

They knew what she had been planning, Fang thought as she bit her lip and glared at Raines.

"Army planes and ships wouldn't be as easy to use as as a civilian airbike. You couldn't just get on one and hope for the best. Even as a l'Cie, there wouldn't be much left of you at that speed."

"I see." Fang quickly glanced around the area. No one was there. If he was the only one here, surely there was something she could do...? Even if she couldn't defeat him, perhaps there was a way to neutralize him.

"There is something I want to show you... no, want you to listen to. If you want to fight, go ahead, but we can do it afterward."

"Sure, you just want to buy time until your men arrive. Like I'd believe that?"

Raines burst into laughter, shaking his head. He grabbed his sword, and held it out to her.

"I'll give you this. If any of my men arrive you can kill me, take me hostage, whatever you like."

"What..." Fang said, taken aback by the sword he offered. "Are you stupid!?"

"Oh yes, most likely." Raines said calmly, turning back around and motioning for her to follow him. The will to fight left her. Gripping the sword tightly, she followed after him.

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