Just some random stuff it's basically a diary....but that's not a REAL diary, if you understand.
This will include the Parentheses Man (basically my thoughts over what I wrote), role-play (when I understand it), reviews, daily stories, and sone show...
The problem with the....wait is it word or a onomanopia? (Onomanopia) Thanks ^-^
K, back on track, I really dislike this...Onomanopia...it....it just feels wrong to me. "Hmmmm", it may identify as an agreement, a question, or just something one would say if they are at a lost of words. This uncertainty of knowing how it's used in context bothers me ( I'm looking at you, SuperiorGhost) , if I'm talking to someone and they throw out one of those Hmm's out I fall into a state of, "what the heck do I answer with, what do I say next, did they agree, question, or don't know what respond with, Oh gosh I got to come back and say something before the conversation ends, oh wait nevermind it just did", I just can't comprehend "Hmm". Here let me give you a real life example:
Me: Hey I caught THREE shiny Pokemon yesterday!
SuperiorGhost: Hmm
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SuperiorGhost: *Stairs at me*
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Thank you guys for still reading,(sorry for not posting earlier I was trying to type something "nice and spicy" for you guys(It'll be out soon)) if you were wondering why I brought SuperiorGhost into this is that he's a real friend outside of wattpad that I have, and also he "Hmm" 's alot so he was the perfect subject (maniacal laugh). Well thanks guys have a good day or night, keep reading, and God bless.