A quick glimpse to "The Luvar Chronicles "

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The cold grew stronger as the night passed on, even under all my clothing I could still feel the cold sensation flowing through my bloodstream.

"Luvar, come inside it's getting dark."

"Don't worry Aten, all be fine," I replied to Aten, the love of my life.

"Oh I know you'll be fine, but I'm worried about your food getting cold."

"Nothing a little lightsaber roasting can't fix."

Aten smirked at my smart remark, she knew that we both where aware of how bad a lightsaber is at heating food, from past experiences of course.

I continued to stair at the horizon, a marvelous sight, after not too long I went to the kitchen so I could eat the lovely food prepared for me by Aten; I sat down and poured a glass of blue milk only to be stopped by the will of the force.

"Ahhh...AHHH...It pains me", Aten trembled over the unbalance of the force, she has a strong connection to the force, one stronger than mine.

She is constant use of it at some points, holding 20 tons at the end of strands of hair isn't easy to do.

"Errrr...Ahh, what is going on!", this question that I exclaimed couldn't be easily answered.

I crawled with all the power I had left inside me and retrieved the Amulet of Kalara, a sith artifact I picked up through my travels able to grant the weilder invisibility through the force and other things. I slid towards my hidden stash where I kept the Amulet, and snatched it from its resting place. Once I had regain my strength and was able to walk again I went forth to Aten and grabbed her, she had now been liberated from the strange disturbance.

We searched to find what had gone wrong, we checked outside, the near settlement, and everywhere else, and what we had found was our son, Ackemi.

Ackemi happened to have a nightmare, one that tested his true strength with the force, this lead to the great disturbance that we felt.

"Unnnngh...augg..auh...", Ackemi was fighting against the dark side which threaten to subdue him, "Acke-", Aten tried to wake her young son up, but Luvar put his hand on her symbolizing that it was his battle to fight, "Ok, I understand, but we must help him in some way!", responded Aten to Luvar's actions.

"All we can do is meditate for his awareness." And so they did, and Ackemi woke up, scared, confused, but with a new understanding of the force,"there is darkness out there, and I will be the one to enlightenment them with a bit of lightsaber dueling!"

My son had no fear of danger, which makes a good man, but an even greater dead man....the one thing me and Aten feared....


So...what do you think? This project is still in progress but I'll be sure to make it an "actual thing" (lol).

Well tell me what you think! God bless!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2017 ⏰

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