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I woke up to the sound of faint whispers and the sound of knocking. I sat up in my bed, fixing my hair back onto my head and getting out of bed. I looked around the room. It was still dark outside, as my window showed- wait, there's someone out there.

I inched closer to the window, weary of any paparazzi it might be. I looked out of it, my heart dropping as I saw the face of Vladimir Putin.

I hesitantly opened the window, hoping for some sort of explanation. He climbed inside of the window, grasping me by the hands and pushing me onto the bed behind us. He hugged me close, much to my confusion.

"Putin, why'd you come here?" I whispered to him, pulling him apart from me.

He seemed to question his choice of words, letting me admire how he looked in the moonlight. The moon painted his eyes an ethereal shade of blue, as if they were translucent. His head was shimmering in the light, adding to the unreal vision of him being here with me.

"It was a mistake, Donald. It wasn't what you thought it was, he forced himself onto me. I wanted him to stop, I was thinking of you the entire time." He whispered to me, placing our faces close to each-other, his breath just touching my lips. I couldn't believe what I was hearing- it was everything I hoped to hear. But my heart couldn't bear not believing him, so I went along with every word he was saying.

"Putin- I believe you...oh my sweet, I believe you." I uttered as I pulled him close to me, unbuttoning his shirt as I went.

"Donald, I love you, I love you..." He repeated, his voice fading into whispers in my ear.

I reached my hands across his chest, and we kissed passionately, as if no oceans in the world could separate us, as if we were this close all our lives.


We walked to my great border, the sun barely rising. It started to cast it's fiery glow over my land, bouncing off of my steel and concrete wall.

Putin pulled me close, his hands under my shirt and pressed directly against my wrinkly cottage-cheese flesh. I looked up to him, my lips in an eternal duck formation.

We sat there, underneath the sunrise, the moon reflecting off of clouds in the distance. We leaned on the wall, knowing that no borders could separate our love- no wall in the world can keep us from loving each other. Words flowed from my mouth to his ears, incoherent mumbles of our never-ending partnership. No small loans, no nasty women, no vice-presidents, nothing in this mayonnaise-personed world can separate us.

I thought these thoughts as I looked up into the sky, taking in the pale pink color as I sat close to Putin's warm flesh.

He pressed closer to me, leaning in ever-so-slightly. I nudged myself towards him, and I could see my beautiful carrot-colored complexion reflecting in his eyes. I pressed our lips together, locking them in an international bond of trust. I whimpered under his touch- so strong, so in control. He chuckled as his hands explored every bumpy and rotting piece of my flesh, basking in my groans of lust.

We were there for who-knows-how-long, but I didn't care. We rolled in the grass, clinging to each-other, fulfilling every need of the other. He grasped me and spoke to me, giving me pleasure like no other could. Time had no name to us there. Putin's flesh on mine- his shirtless form so muscular and hot- distracted me until the sky was filled with sunlight.

I opened my mouth after our rolls of passion, still catching my breath and trying to grasp where I was- making sure that all of this was real.

"Putin...let's stay this way, for all eternity." He looked at me, his eyes glimmering with love. I looked up at him, mine clearly reflecting the same.


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