Chapter 7- Truth or Dare

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Mackenzie's POV

Okay I really want to know if I like Johnny or not. I mean one second I like him and the next I don't. I wanted a friend to tell. I definitely couldn't tell Lauren! That would just feel awkward. Okay the only way to find out if I like him is... And I hate to say it but... I think I'll have to kiss him. I'll have to get to know him first but I'll just have to wait and see. I actually think I do like him but it's probably just a tiny crush.

~Time Skip~

Right now I'm at Johnny and Lauren's house. I'm just chilling in Lauren's room and we decide to play truth or dare because we had been on our phones for the past half hour and it was starting to get boring. "Okay, truth or dare?" Lauren asks me. "Uhhh, truth." "Who do you like!" Lauren practically screams. "Uhhhh um I don't know. I mean I just moved here I don't know anyone apart from you and Johnny." I reply. Lauren just nods and I ask "Truth or dare." "Truth..." "Who do YOU like" I say empathizing the you. "Uhh I like this guy that's a year younger than us. His names Hayden Summerall he's Johnny's best friend." "Oh yeah I think I've seen him on social media." I say. After about an hour of crazy dares and truths we decide that we should go around the block introducing me to the others. I tell Lauren that I had already met Brooke just as she was about to knock on her door. Lauren just nodded and walked away from her house. I quickly looked upstairs to what I thought was Brooke's room. She walked straight up to her window and gave me the evil eyes I returned them then she smiled and waved at Lauren who just rolled her eyes and turned walking towards the next house. I guess Lauren knew that Brooke liked Johnny. I guess Brooke was hoping she could get all friendly with Lauren so she could be closer to Johnny. I don't really think Brooke's going to get what she wants this time. I have a feeling Lauren hates Brooke for a specific reasons and I want to know why...

~Time skip~

We got back inside Lauren's house and Lauren's mom Meredith was cooking dinner. "Hey sweetie. Oh this must be Mackenzie." Meredith says smiling at me. "Yes mom it is. Do you mind if she spends the night here?" "If it's fine with her mother." She replies. "Yeah Mom, we asked her and she said it was fine. We're going back up to my room. Call us when dinners ready!!"

A/N: Hope you liked this chapter. I tried to make it long to make up for the last chapter I made. I know this was just Mackenzie's POV but I promise that I will add some other POV's next chapter. Maybe even Brooke's. Love Ya'll 💕

Jada 😘

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