Chapter 13- Heart Broken

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Kenzie's POV

How could Johnny do that to me! I thought he loved me but nooooooo! He kissed that b***h Brooke! Why?! I hate when them both so much!!!! I want to punch Brooke so hard right now and Johnny too!

--Rewind back in time (Just before Brooke kisses Johnny)--

Johnny's POV

I walked over to my locker to get my books for next period and who would be there but Brooke! Annoying! Annoying! Brooke! "Heyyyyy Johnny!" She said and glanced down the hall. She started walking closer to me. "Brooke what are you doing?!" I shout. She keeps on moving closer to me until our lips touch. I try to push her of but its no use. I look over Brooke and see Kenzie right behind her. My eyes widen. "Kenzie..." "You liar!" She shouts and runs to the bathroom. "Brooke what the hell!" I shout "What was that you know I don't like you and I never will!" I say and storm off. If only Kenzie could have seen that...

--Back to present time--

Kenzie's POV

I finally decided to leave the bathroom as the bell rang for lunch I went over to sit with Brynn and Jordyn because they weren't sitting with the others. I could feel people staring at me. I knew it was Johnny and the others. I ignored them and ate my lunch. My heart was braking and I knew it. It was hard to hold in the tears but I couldn't cry in front of the whole school! When I got home from school and saw Maddie I couldn't help but brake down crying. "Kenzie! What's wrong?" She said concerned. "Johnny... Kissed... Another... Girl." I say. "Oh. Come here Kenz!" She says and I walk over to her. She gives me a hug. "Heart brake sucks! I know. But you have to go through in life. I have and you will have to go through it many more times! Usually what I did I'd go up to my room and eat ice cream to get my mind of it. It really works." She says and smiles. "Okay." I say and go into the kitchen to get ice cream. I then go up to my room and watch my favourite show Pretty Little Liars.

A/N: HEY GUYSSSSSS! Sorry it's been a while since I lasted updated and also sorry this was short but I've been on writers block for a while and couldn't come up with any ideas. It might be a while till I update this again but I just need to know if you guys like this story and if you want me to continue. Comment if you do 💕

Jada 😘

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