yup so i have a 6 year old niece and i have accidentally taught her the worst things
so heres how today went
me: watching 50 shades of grey on my laptop
niece walks in
niece: auntie ty-ty what are you watching?
me: fucking shit! layla what did i say about knocking?
niece: what does fucking shit mean?
me: dont say that
niece: why are they groaning?
me: fuuuck!!!
niece what does fuck mean?
me: layla stop saying what i say, now get out
***two hours later*** (hahaha this reminds me of spongebob)
eating dinner
jacob (brother): layla what did you do today?
niece: i played with auntie ty-ty, i had tea with grandma *drops her fork* fucking shit!
me: oh no
jacob: what did you say layla
niece: fucking shit daddy
me: *eats like i didnt hear anything*
jacob: Tyler?
me: what?
jacob: why is she saying that?
me: i dont know its your kid
niece: fa-la-la-la fuuuck fa-la-la-la-fuuckkk
jacob: he made a song out of the word??
me: hey now i didnt do that one, thats new.... she's a creative child
niece: daddy? why do people groan?
jacob: sometimes when they are made thats the sound they make
me: yup and thats the only reason, no other reason none what so ever layle
niece: but on auntie ty-ty's computer they were well... daddy they were doing this *stands up and tries to make a humping motion with her hips*
me: fuck
niece: fucking shit
me: stop it!!
yup, so needless to say i dont get to spend much time with my niece right now and she wont stop singing fa-la-la-la-fuck i would be a horrible parent..... ugh kill me now